Y’know, there are genuine reasons for wearing fireproof underwear and no jewelry in case of fire. With unfortunate history that reinforces why such rules are important.
That’s actually easy to answer...
Don’t leave out Honda. The 80s was a golden era for Honda. I’d also say the 80s at its worst was better than the post-1972 70s.
The Cimarron was bean counters gone wild and a lack of thinking who they wanted to market it to.
It just seems counterintuitive that they’d get rid of manual transmissions in the midst of a chip shortage.
I like how they call anyone who just doesn’t want them clogging up the roads in their town “Antifa,” as if being opposed to traffic jams is some sort of radical left conspiracy.
He’s 18, which combined with how quickly his teammates drew over it only makes this explanation all the more likely.
.“Sirius/On-Star are on-going services that provide value.
It’s largely because these guys grew up listening to their dads and grandads joke about being bullying assholes and pulling stunts like this, and how the sheriff would give it a wink and a nod and do nothing, and it would just be a funny story to tell later.
Though, honestly I’m fine with subscriptions for things that do cost the automaker to provide on an ongoing basis and are optional.
I think there needs to be a distinction made between paying a subscription fee for a service and a subscription fee for a feature.
when they built it it was surrounded by mosquito infested swampland and the east river was basically a sewer..
today it is between the two runways of LGA, so would be noisy as fuck to live there, only one way on or off the island so traffic would be a shit show
I can’t say I’m surprised. Car company founders are notorious megalomaniacs. Still, “Honda is variously reported to have tossed a geisha out a second-story window...” sounds like it came out of a game of telephone, the kind of corporate gossip that gets tossed out at company holiday parties and embellished year over…
As someone who’s owned both, the appeal of the G8/SS to me has always been “powerful V8 engine + cavernous rear seat for passengers”.
A manual-shift U-Haul or any rental truck is the definite device of torture for any glutton of punishment. Big chassis, wimpy engine, stick shift, and a giant blind spot behind your head. What’s not to like here?
I don’t think there have been any actual legislative ICE bans. Newsom in CA signed an order, but that doesn’t really bind anyone past his term in office. (It doesn’t even bind him, except to the point of him looking bad if he reneged on it)
What sort of “niche credibility” is the world’s largest automaker trying to preserve?
It’s not at all surprising that Toyota’s ordering/allocation system is set up to be friendlier to the factory than to the dealers or customers, what is pleasantly surprising is that more automakers aren’t this way.