Plompy Lfeata

This is a great idea. I was thinking maybe a, “___ days since the last idiot hit this bridge.” sign.

Are you asking what more I want in general? Because boobs, I want boobs. Please and thank you.

Russia was part of the Allies and fought in both wars, just under two different names.

For those of us who already live in California and won’t need airfare, is there any way to just get normal tickets to be in the audience?

uh how is sarcastically saying he hates flamingos (which obviously means he doesn’t hate flamingos) and telling people to stop eating the eggs somehow “belittle” the flamingo. what? if anything, he’s mocking the people that used to eat their eggs (which probably deserves its own criticism), not the flamingos.

Here you go. There is about a 1/3 chance Tesla is using Chilean lithium.

you forgot the I in ruins.

I hate stance. I refuse to “accept all types of modifications,” or “respect the build.” There are some things that are just plain stupid. I realize I will be flamed to hell for saying this, but I don’t care.

The only stance-related happiness I can derive is that (as a BRZ owner) every time a stanced Toyobaru is posted

Funny, washing is one of my favorite things about having a car!

Still better than Hell or High Watermelon.

But, you won't be holding a bottle that says Bud Light Lime on it.


Was the vulgar language in the title necessary?

I speak 100% from personal experience. But those experiences are almost all with LAPD, and the Ventura County Sheriffs, so who knows. Things are probably different in more rural places.

I’ll just be laughing when journalists who consistently write headlines like this are out of work one day and these types of headlines come back to bite them in the ass when they’re looking for a new job.

Kind of a dick move to not at least credit boy638. He literally just created this gif and posted about it on the other Panamera article.

Fine story, but I don’t think the profanity is professional or needed. If my 5 year old was 10 instead, I’d like him to be able to read this stuff. I don’t see it adds much. Just an opinion.

the article, literally, takes fifteen seconds to read.

“But the GT remains the top dog” - I guess you have not heard of the GT-350 and GT-350R.


The question I have, is why would you own a dagger that is not designed to kill something?