Plompy Lfeata

hi kanye, hope kim is still putting out for ya

Kanye is so fucking full of shit, one day his head will explode.

maybe dont be a dick!? could solve all your problems.

herr derr durrr! they turn right! OMG! Its not left! its right! Fuck, theyre just like F1 now! NASCAR made America great again!

NOPE, nope, nope, no NO NO, nope, nope. Everyone who comments”oh yeah, this makes sense now, bring on the MR Vette!” is stupid. Go ahead, bookmark my comment, and if Im proven wrong you can come back here and mock me. I just want everyone to stop being stupid.

they want to sell them though

grow up, youre part of problem. people are people, everyone is a person, so its better to grow up (not like our parents, who never stopped being childish) and just get along. because in the end, were all humans. except for cats, fuck cats.

for SOME things, maybe, although I think thats another issue. Bills are only complicated on purpose, they really dont need to be. I know its wishful thinking, but I can at least dream of the day everyone is well enough educated to figure out a large general election like this one.

You just made my point.You should be educated on it. Do you really think most legislators know what they’re voting on? Sorry, but they don’t, most bills are written up by lawyers and lobbyists. If people were educated enough to get a basic grasp of these policies, the world would be such a better place.

Johnson please.

Old people really do ruin everything. “wouldnt it be nice to go back to being racist and not having to be uncomfortable around people who are different than me?” No, youre not racist, keep telling yourself that.

Half wrong. This should absolutely be left up to the general public, because its their fucking lives. The issue is lack of education.

No, this is how it should be. It would just be nice if we could find a way to actually educate people so they could make informed decisions when given the chance.

this is what happens when people feel disenfranchised by their gov’t. Just wait, we will see the same thing here in November. If the gov’t was better at not being corrupt, it would not be an issue.

Think how expensive Scotch will be in the EU if they get dragged out of it!

its ALL about racism. Thankfully the US is not as homogeneous as the UK, otherwise we would do the same thing here, and to be honest, we still might.

Says the person who apparently would prefer to be told who to vote for by people who couldn’t care less about you or the average American. Yep, you’re the intelligent one here. Just do what they tell you, it will all be all right.

Im voting for Johnson in CA, because my vote shouldnt matter in CA. If it does, well then, Hillary should have been a good candidate instead of an insufferable one.

This is such a stupid article. I clicked it twice, because it didn’t load properly (advertisers beware, please take two views away from this author). Let me tell you why: its 100% guessing and grasping and stupid points you make up on your own. “his moms wrath will be worse than the police.” Do you have a police

I think, 140 million is nothing. If they can do something meaningful with that, then THAT will be very worthwhile for the whole country. I dont know these proposals in detail, but we dont need to, lets see the end product. Im in love with a girl from Columbus, she lives in LA like any rational person does, but