
Some of the comments are pretty damned smug, yes. They’re hitting the same notes as all the “How could anyone ever eat at Chipotle? I’m far too cultured and authentic to lower myself to that level, and I just can’t believe that people less erudite than me can exist in the world!” bullshit.

I’m kind of baffled by all the smug, “It was OBVIOUSLY fake!” comments. I mean, you had no problem believing the stories about a little girl with cloven hooves, months of 911 calls from a murdered woman, or a cat vanquishing an invisible demonic force, but a magic armoire was a bridge too far?

I didn’t really follow SMG, so I have no idea what she’s said about the show or its fans. But I was always baffled by how passionately so many fans — particularly female fans! — hated Buffy.

Even if they do, I imagine they end up paying attention to quite different things than the audience does.

Also a lot of actors cant watch themselves.

I have a lot of sympathy for actors who get defined by one thing and can’t shake it. A lot of people hated her since she didn’t want to continue with the series, but eh. It was good while it lasted. I also don’t blame an actor for not remembering stuff they probably haven’t thought about in decades. I don’t think she

Please dismiss your troll.

I’m trying to take comfort in the fact that the Bundys still have charges in Nevada. But of course, a jury let them off in this case despite the mountain of witnesses, pictures, videos, and fucking social media posts from the perpetrators repeatedly bragging about committing the crimes they were charged with. This

Exactly. I’m fairly neutral to the whole Kardashian family (I don’t find them wholly likable or loathsome, usually more like mildly amusing or mildly irritating) but christ, can you even imagine if anyone else you knew or cared about was in that situation and saying that shit about/to them?

I loathe reality TV. I know very little about the Kardashians, and the few things I do know have not endeared them to me. I’m still seriously grossed out at all the gleeful victim blaming and shaming that’s been all over every Jez article on the subject.

I don’t go to chipotle for “authentic mexican food” (and that just doesn’t exist in NW Ohio). I go there for chipotle burritos.

I hear you, my god, I hear you. Though... maybe I’ve tapped into some primal anger lurking within me lately, but I’m DONE being minimalized and retraumatized. You know who should quit earth, the fucking rapists and rape-apologists running rampant around here. Whereas you should definitely stay :)

Feeling the same. ❤

If you quit Earth, I want to come with you. Because same, same FREAKING SAME.

Well, duh! When a guy helps you out, you are required to do him a sex.

I quit earth.

Nice Guys™

What the actual fuck? So now I have to watch out for helpful people too???

Yeah...that one should be obvious. One sucks. The other is enraging.

Nice Guy™