
I’d laugh if it was a Fallout set in the Pacific Northwest. That would utterly fuck the Fallout: Cascadia project into the ground. A lot of what Fallout 4 did was really good, and I can’t see Bethesda wanting to deviate from the FO4 formula by much.

So, where’s the Space Needle? Ain’t Seattle without the Space Needle and Pioneer Square.

If we’re gonna bitch about “historical accuracy”, can we talk about how developers often take extreme creative liberty with the specifications of the vehicles and aircrafts in the game? For example, those Churchill tanks were going a fucking million miles an hour, rather than the 15 MPH they were capable of in reality.

Oh god, those Churchill tanks are going like 3 times their actual, in-reality speed. This is another WW2 game that ends up getting a hard pass because the devs did not do their fucking research...

Y’all ever think Elon looks like a Robert Downey Jr. that’s been hit in the face with a baseball bat at birth?

I’d love to update my Crown Vic with a 5.0L Coyote with the mustang 6-speed transmission, and see how it stacks up to the competition. :D

Guys, the Kinja Labs embed is not working. It just goes to a page with three items on it, and doesn’t show what the embed is really supposed to be.

I was talking about the mass of her tits. When you’re on a road course, they’re gonna swing you around and throw off your handling a bit.

I’d be happier if Blizzard subtitled their goddamn videos so I could actually follow along the dialogue. Why is it that even in today’s digital age, everyone is still so fucking lazy about this?

Speaking of awareness, I had some dumb fuck in a Hyundai crossover drive in rainy, overcast weather behind me on I-405 for 20 minutes. With no lights on, whatsoever. He/she was asking for an accident.

If I ever see a donked Panther on the freeway, I imagine I will be resisting the overwhelming urge to deliver a PIT maneuver on their asses for sullying it with their horrible aesthetic.

Banked tracks that she prospers at, but sucks everywhere else? I can think of two reasons why.

The AN-124 isn’t a one-off, though. The 225 is. If I had a product that only the 225 could move for me, I would probably institute rules around it that would mitigate, or outright eliminate the risk of loss, and require quarterly reviews to make sure everyone does not forget these rules.

I don’t do logistics IRL, and even I know this kind of thing.

The only time you should honk in anger is when some shithead cuts in front of you like a reckless idiot, putting himself and yourself in danger.
Even more so if you installed a train horn on your car that’ll blow his fucking windows out.

You got that right. And yeah, the tournament was a bit much on the filler side.

Now playing

I presume you never touched .hack//G.U. then? That was a far more memorable JRPG than FFXII, IMO. The music was also the tits. And I mean the tits. Just listen to this OP:

Am I evil for wishing that Senator McConnel would just keel over and die for his stupid shit? He’s the same guy that’s responsible for Ajit Pai’s appointment to the FCC. Bastard’s good at the long game, and he’s an asshole for it.

When I get tired of my car...that’s when I’m replacing the engine with the Gen3 Coyote. Then it’s no longer a boring car. :D

This is exactly why I enjoy my Crown Victoria. The instruments and the radio are as simple as it gets. Doesn’t even have a cassette deck. Zero distractions.