
What if I don’t want to use Instagram, but still want to share pics of my car?

Well, he’s not wrong. Especially when you look at Uber’s own autonomous vehicles. In that lens, isn’t he admitting his robot cars suck as bad as a teenager who got a mustang for his first car?

As a CVPI owner, yes, the ECUs are tuned differently. My vehicle has more aggressive gear shifts than the average Crown Victoria LX.

Tom, why do you think I went for a Crown Vic? :D

This is exactly the problem with game industry right now. They’re too obsessed with maximizing profit that they become just like scientists: They only think about whether they can do it...not whether they should.

I did my taxes two months ago. You guys suck if you haven’t finished yours.

I give you guys our future:



Nope, $3,300 is below what I’d expect for this car. Then again I live in an expensive region. It’s a foxbody. It’s in running condition. Its interior is in good condition, as is exterior. It doesn’t look like it will need a lot of post-purchase maintenance. These points make it a nice price, considering how rare it is.

To the dipshits that keep calling this a Crack Pipe, let me list off why it’s a good price:

Nuts. Should probably get that steering tightened up. A slack wheel is not fun.

Came here to make this comment, wasn’t disappointed.

And they should host Oppo track meets sponsored by Jalopnik. :P

You missed a chance at a sick rhyme, though:

“After I finish blogging this blog, it’ll be back to slogging the slog. We’ll head west, where the fun is the best.”

Seems McLaren is having a bad week:

I’m not sure if I didn’t have a seizure from watching that video. I know I blinked a lot.

Venture Brothers is coming back, though.

“Asians are super creative”.

Now let’s compare this move to what happened with Dirty Dillon at the Daytona 500...