
I stopped needing multiplayer on the console after a while. PC is where I get my MP fix now. :)

Playstation Plus: $5 a month.

We just got a $400 price point. Start dying, sir.

A game that is horribly unrealistic. The most range you can have with your battleship guns is 1km. ONE. KILOMETER.

Ew, this trailer feels like a bunch of bullshit. And I'm a Naval Warfare enthusiast. I love battleships. It's just that this trailer does not feel authentic at all. It feels like the developers did not do enough research on the battleships themselves, or are doing a half-assed effort on this in the first place.

I wouldn't mind if the proceeds of the 'used game purchase' went DIRECTLY to the publisher, with like only 1% of that money going into the pocket of the console maker.

I think his point is that any job that is taken should be a chance at advancement. Being strung along like that certainly hurts a lot.

#GamingStrike should be a hashtag on twitter to help bring attention to this problem. I am personally considering getting a job as a game tester, but if this is going to be the norm 99% of the time, I'd rather be making lattes at the local coffee stand.

Ha, no. After the way they treated Indies on Xbox 360, I have very little faith in Microsoft's business practices.

Well, there's always playing board games with your friends, or resurrecting the vintage games industry by creating copies of games like Zone of the Enders, and building new consoles that can emulate the PS2 without problems.

This is the third time I've seen this article promoted. Knock it off, Gawker. You're starting to become the Yahoo! of blogs, with your obnoxious behavior.

Even Major Nelson fucked up about the whole used-games thing.

The problem is that Microsoft included features that were not, and never will be, appreciated by the average gamer. The design of the Xbox One is sound in and of itself as a playing platform, but when you consider the fact that they included daily online checkins, and the impending "used game? FEE PLEASE." system,

I was expecting the PC version from Kojima Productions. But from Platinum? Good grief, no.

Well, the mud simulation tech they're using certainly took a lot of time to program. I'd say, throw in a few offroad tractor-trailer rigs and some different kinds of offroaders and new terrains, and it's worth $60.

I'd be happy with 25,000. :)

I don't think that was condescending. I was just stating why I think the Pluto is worth more.

It's a general estimate, and my best guess at what the guy wants to get off of it.

I think these retailers need to learn to STFU and GTFO instead of being a dillweed about "exclusive" game content. As if they understand what exclusive even means anymore.

She purchased the game from Goodwill.