
It’ll be good to have him in the MCU.

It better have the Music Meister played by Neal Patrick Harris in it.

Yeah, I’m pretty sure there’s even a canon mention (Year 1?) that he hired the best female escorts in France to “train” him in the erotic arts for that exact reason.

“ b) put her to sleep so he can go out and do the one thing that does get him off.”

I think it’s exactly the opposite. I think he goes at it with a mathmatical precision like he does a fight. (“From this position there are four ways to attack the clit. 2 of them arouse, one merely teases, the other orgasms.”) He’s out to accomplish a goal and that is to A) preserve Bruce Wayne’s playboy reputation,

Remember, his cover persona is that of a billionaire playboy. If he gave any indication that he didn’t actually have sex very often, or that he was bad at it, the reputation part of his cover would be shot!

you don’t think batman hasn’t spent months learning how to tantric sex for days on end JUST IN CASE he gets trapped in a tantric sex-themed death trap

Oh, VERY nice pulls!

Personally I would prefer it if Aqua Man spent the beginning of the film gathering together the baddest, most mentally unstable sea life in the ocean together to form a team to face the threat that Superman represents to the world’s oceans.

Or his brother, Orm. A battle for the throne that spills out onto the shores.

Hold that thought. You know how Marvel likes their happy comic book marriages...

Doesn’t count. Everyone who is an actual fan of the Olympics knows that Leonidas is the GOAT. He didn’t have all the fancy accommodations that Olympians have now, like shoes and anti-chaffing nipple tape. Do you know what they did back then if your chaffed nips got infected? They took’em.

I believe 164 BCE was also the last time a Buffalo sports team was in the playoffs.

more like Leonidas of ‘Roids.