
The team was able to thwart and kill Hive and take down Hydra, but they are all still mourning the death of fellow agent and Inhuman, Lincoln Campbell.

Looking on Wikipedia, it doesn’t look like he’s been a thing in Australia since 2000, which was also the year he unsuccessfully sued Yahoo! for trademark infringement.

Jai Courtney would “take the call” for another Terminator movie?!

I was really looking forward to the new Star Trek until I learned that it’s being aired via a medium that nobody has or will have or will want to have.


I think Star Trek’s showrunners are about as interested in that as Star Wars’s current owners are in exploring the rules of succession in the Royal Palace of Naboo.

Back taxes man. They’re a pain when you come back from the dead.

Soooo.... it finally convinces Barry not to run backwards in time anymore? Is that why Mother killing Barry shakes his head and going back the first time to stop his mother from getting killed Barry? That 3rd time going back and actually stopping his mother from getting killed Barry ignores?

So..... why does Coulson need to pretend to be dead?

Can’t wait for what’s probably the last season of Agents of SHIELD to start. Here’s to you ABC.

The FBI can lie to you all they want. But you can’t lie to the FBI. The FBI can sandbag you all they want. But you can’t sandbag the FBI...

We’ve been reminiscing about the funny pages, which provoked the single most blisteringly, violently hot take in the

Seems like you need to upgrade to the latest model with the magnetic accelerator deployer instead of compressed gas.

“They can be placed in your checked baggage along with your grapple gun, bat-saw, collapsible bat-sword, and other utility belt items.”

Can I still bring my Bat Spray Terrorist Repellent on flights?