
WikiLeaks has hit rock bottom. Once dedicated to careful vetting and redaction—sometimes too much redaction—the

But “perfectly fine” shouldn’t be how we judge someone who’s been planning this campaign for the last decade. I don’t know why we can’t address the fact that she isn’t a great public speaker. Michelle Obama is able to sound strong, sincere, and energetic in a way that I did not get from HIllary. When Nina Turner

Okay Blake

I’m going through the latter half of season 2 right now, and I personally think this guy would be absolutely terrible in the movies. He works wonderfully for the tv show (which is where all of his experience lies), but he’s, to me, noticeably less skilled for a MAJOR film production. Plus, I think he’d be fired almost

By wedging him in so tight he broke through the fabric of space-time.

So far, casting is spot on:

Since The Flash is right below Captain Boomerang and he’s one of the Rogues, I assume it will probably be a flashback ;). We’ll see Captain Boomerang doing some crime and the Flash stoping him.

It’ll be interesting to see how Barry Allen fits into the events of the movie.

I was pretty disappointed with Civil War as well, but it was definitely better than Batman v Superman

Shitty story that makes no fucking sense? Incredibly poor acting? Zero chemistry between any and all of the actors? Crap direction? Yes, the movie sucked exactly because of the reasons I thought.

My actual reaction when I read the headline:

That’s why everybody hates me

American Gods is probably the biggest winner to me.