
Evil keyboardist quickly needs to be added to the pantheon of Disney villains.

I think that moth was the soul Ronaldo sold for the title saying goodbye.

Weed whacking ain’t cheating.

It’s not your damned brain, monkey-boy!

Nothing against Pacquin, but I’m ready for a new interpretation of the character, the movies never got it right. Actors like Kristen Stewart and Amber Heard, who can be both prickly and vulnerable, seem closer to the character’s persona and physical type. Oddly, I’m not a big fan of either actor but they just seem to

He means well, cherie.

Way to go: you just spoiled Kinberg’s villain reveal.

Isn’t Vanity Fair written for mildly well to do white people whose idea of what is hip and elite peaked in the early ‘80s? I mean, how many stories on Jackie Kennedy and the Royal Family can they do? All of them, apparently.

To be accurate, being gay doesn’t make Sulu undesirable to women. I understand and sympathize with your distress at the portrayal of asian men as sexless or unattractive, but Sulu being gay makes neither of those statements. And Cho has done a lot of admirable work already chopping down the notion that asian guys

Hey Spidey: “Spins a web any size” includes diapers.

And I’m arguing the Kree-Skrull War, The FF numerous clashes with both races, The Celestial Madonna Saga, Captain Marvel were much more seminal to entire Marvel universe and far from sporadic. Invasion may indeed be more popular, but it wouldn’t have impact without the foundation.

Lots of these things...

Shut up, monkey-boy! The Skrulls and their ongoing conflict with the Kree embroiled virtually every major Marvel comic for the first twenty years of the imprint’s history.

I would love to see Riri team up with Moon Girl.

This is the way I thought the world worked when I was seven.

While certainly he could notice a beautiful woman, I don’t remember Sulu ever having a girlfriend or female love interest, like McCoy, Chechov or Scotty all did. Deranged, swashbuckling Sulu and parallel universe evil rapey Sulu don’t really count, imo.

The original Champions could have benefitted from a Peter David or Keith Giffen taking a more comedic route with the book. I must be a glutton for punishment but something attracted me to the oddness of the group, especially Hercules and Ghost Rider, who would normally never be together. But it was a genuinely bad

You’re right, as usual, only a couple of others come close...

The chubby Founding Father look was all the rage in 1776, when Ailes was a young man.