
Yes, this feels wrong. I know very little about the film, but it doesn’t sound like they are attempting to make some statement about race and identity and they are not trying to interpret Jackson through multiple characters, like I’m Not There did with Bob Dylan.

Can we finally abandon the notion that Bill Maher has anything intelligent to say?

Just remember this is the same guy who made Superman a hero who would willingly let his foster father die when he could save him. Then there is the matter Supe’s preemptive genocide of the Kryptonian race. And the collateral damage of the citizen’s of Metropolis. What was that again about making Batman a murderer?

By “we” I assume you mean fanboys. And we are all into bondage and furry loincloths.

Shut your dirty mouth about Arm-Fall-Off-Boy, he’s a badass. He doesn’t weapons: he is the weapon.

As counter culture as Lucas is or may have been, it’s interesting that the Jedi were such an elitist and rigid group. Kirk was much more willing to flout rules and regulations (even if it was often in service of his personal vision of open societies).

All very good, very valid points. I’m pretty much in agreement.

I get it, but for me, this character point is carried to excess, to a degree where she lacks agency and seems too passive.

What an idiot. A detective who is actually a shape shifting, mind reading alien is a cool character. Darwin Cooke knew how to make him interesting.

The show runner’s are telegraphing Winn’s eventual transformation into the new Toyman rather clumsily. Considering the adeptness Berlanti’s teams showed with the reveal of the Reverse Flash its surprising, but not when you realize their weaknesses with relationships and women. Kara’s constant accepting blame for

There is hip hop, r&b, classic soul and jazz influenced orchestral music on the Creed soundtrack. The blending of all those choices is significant and relevant. The singling out of Hip Hop is reductive.

I hope they didn’t hurt Little Ronaldo.

Animal powers are the sub-basement of meta abilities. There is an inherent jokiness to them. And I think the audience knows that. I can’t think of one successful sustained comic or tv show featuring a character with animal powers. Yes, Animal Man had a long run but was never a huge commercial success (and certainly

You forgot Changeling. I preferred Vixen when DC made her powers more Rogue-like so that she was stealing abilities from other characters. I hate animal powers.

Heard is not a model. And she was pretty damn entertaining in Drive Angry with Nicholas Cage. I could see her in another action role but she wouldn’t be my first choice for Mera either. Too all-american, doesn’t exude the regal qualities I associate with Mera.

Ok, your white privilege is leaking out a little bit. I’m not suggesting Marvel would treat black characters in a negative way. What they realize is that they have to approach portrayals with sensitivity and that hiring a person with insight to that portrayal can be a benefit. That’s why, for instance, they pursued

I think Creed had many themes, visual motifs, music choices and other elements that are signifiers to a black audience that the filmmakers recognize their experience. The fact that those signifiers are not barriers to a broader audience and actually help underscore the stories universal appeal shows the skills of the

I am astounded that Lindsay Lohan is aware that Ghana is a country, let alone is using it as a slur. What a weird, random insult.

Oh my god, Liefeld may actually be right. Hamm looks the part and definitely has the comedy chops to work well Reynolds. Now, I am going to the window to check the sky for a flock of potbellied pigs with wings.

I’ve always admired the way Bowie made great, popular art while challenging societal norms around gender and sexuality, but one of his greatest contributions for me was calling out MTV for not playing black artists. It’s worth pointing out that it was 1982 when Bowie confronted VJ Mark Goodman live on-air about MTV’s