
Sam Jackson was boring as shit in the prequels and his action scenes sucked. His bashing of TFA is petty. Deal with it.

The two stars from The Raid were there to do what Claudia Kim did for Age of Ultron and Fan Bingbing did for Days of Future Past: window dressing to appeal to the Asian movie audience with as little effort or commitment as possible. Daniel Craigs cameo had more thought behind it. JJ Abrams has been very good on

I feel bad for saying it but I don’t like this poster. I appreciate the cleverness of riffing on religious frescoes but the overall result is a lot of tiny images that appear muddled. Perhaps its more impactful at poster or billboard size.

Yuck. Wings attached directly to arms is the most cumbersome and unsightly birdlike powers trope. Always felt that it diluted Sam’s coolness but apparently Marvel thinks its iconic.

Yes Jet Li has done a lot of movies, including his share of shitty ones. But at his best his fight movement is brilliant, particularly Jet’s work with Yuen Woo Ping and Tsui Hark. And at his worst he never swung a sword like it was a wiffle ball bat.

I’m a Sam Jackson fan, but his lightsaber technique (which its rumored he came up with himself) sucked. Darth Maul looked great, but every other lightsaber fight that wasn’t cgi was terrible, at least to a fan of the Jet Li Hong Kong martial arts movies that bloomed in between the original films and the prequels.


Because I just got through Clone Wars marathon and the character names are similar. My bad.

I don’t think it confirms anything, including any type of romantic feeling. Its just open to interpretation. I was just noting a phenomena I’ve observed (Finn/Poe shipping). The point is that was the only trooper Finn seemed to show any type of emotion for, other than fear and/or hatred.

There is no confirmation and I doubt that was the filmmakers intent. But, just like some fans of Star Trek ship a Kirk/Spock romance, some TFA fans are already doing that with Finn/Poe. Actual evidence is not required for fan fiction, suggestive scenes will suffice.

3. Finn kills a lot of his friends I think its clear Finn doesn’t have many friends amongst his fellow stormtroopers. He seems close to the trooper who dies in his arms (some Poe/Finn shippers have used this as supporting evidence of Finn’s sexual orientation). But interestingly, Finn doesn’t seem to even consider

Where is that wonderful gif from?

You missed Bane, who is supposed to be from a fictional Spanish-speaking Caribbean island. I’ll admit to enjoying Tom Hardy in the role, but Dark Knight Rises turns the definitively Latin American villain into something vaguely European.

The one thing I hated about TFA was Leia’s outfit. She was wearing the Rebels equivalent of mom jeans and a vest. Why couldn’t she have a cool leather jacket, like Poe or Han Solo?

Surprisingly crass is kind of Matthew Vaughn’s m.o. He’s very adept as a filmmaker and creates stylish, fast paced concoctions. But the work is often as empty and ultimately crass as that of his buddy Guy Ritchie. The sophistication of his upper class education masks a certain “lad” mentality. Just think of the way he

I loved it. The world of the Barons demands more exploration and MK needs much development as a character. But, yeah the fight’s are awesome.

I can’t actually analyze Ezekiel’s dream world.

I’ll add that Vixen only became interesting as a character in the Justice League Unlimited cartoon series, by being the third leg of a love triangle including John Stewart and Hawkwoman. Animal powers are so hokey.

The trailer is good, the reuse of “Sabotage” is a flawed decision. It’s inclusion in the ‘09 movie and trailer was to reintroduce Kirk as a rebellious kid in a way modern, young, non-trekkie audiences could understand. I never took it as representative of the Star Trek universe canonically, although it is emblematic