
Agree with 2 through 4, but Louis CK is basically right about Common Core.

There was also a French man at our table who asked us two questions in a very thick accent, and then spent the rest of the evening vacantly staring into space, playing on his phone and laughing, and stroking his wine glass. His entire shtick has left me permanently baffled.

Mystique leading the X-men? I like this idea.

Haters can complain about Apocalypse all they want. I understand the concerns but I’m willing to give Oscar Isaac the benefit of the doubt. More importantly, this movie has a Jean Grey I can get excited about and a badass Storm with a Mohawk. I’m there.

Magneto, I think.

I keep asking why Marvel isn’t making more out of Sif. Jamie Alexander has made the most out whatever screen time she’s been given in the Thor movies and has become a fan favorite. Her success with Blindspot shows she is a star in her own right. Why does Marvel seem to be sidelining her?

I’ve always liked Karnilla the Norn Queen because she is grand, mercurial and not-quite-so bad, but so much of her character in the comics is defined by her relationship with Balder, who’s played no part in the MCU. However, she has teamed up with Loki from time to time.

I think it will be more like Gotham and explore Jabba’s early years.

Armageddon? Fury takes Bruce Willis movies way too seriously.

Riiiight, that’s why you post that gif, riiiiiiiight...


Interesting. I assumed the success of Creed gave Coogler leverage, but not so directly. Fact is, unlike other creative rifts Marvel has dealt with before, they need a filmmaker with acumen about and credibility with a particular audience.

No I think Coogler is in to stay. Marvel is aware that it doesn’t know how to make a “black” picture but (my guess is) they didn’t want director who might make the franchise their personal soapbox. I’m not saying that was Duvernay or Coogler’s intention, but Marvel has shown itself to be leery of personal visions that

Thanks Obama!

I agree, but there are a lot of near identical stories about Bill Clinton. But Hillary isn’t her husband.

Actually, her statement doesn’t identify her as the aggressor, it indicates mutual verbal and physical abuse from the subway ride to their apartment. I don’t see a hero, villain or chief instigator here, but it looks like she the worst of it physically.

I agree women can be abusive. I don’t agree that because she hit him first his reaction can’t be defined as domestic violence.

You don’t think Coulson stole his best lines from Fury?

Thank you for the correction.

You’re right that it is up to a court to decide guilt. But its not true women get the benefit of the doubt. Rhianna also has anger issues and was allegedly physical with Chris Brown before he beat her. I don’t see that much difference between that case and this one. Is being white an advantage? Yes. Is being a white