
Mr. Mind looks goofy and cute, but is megalomaniacal, genocidal world conqueror. He has massive telepathic, telekinetic and reality-altering abilities. He leads the Monster Society of Evil, a group of depraved, powerful beings bent on destruction and domination. Mind is like a Dalek on steroids.

Home is the cutest vision of colonial domination you'll ever see

Awesome actor. Great in everything he's in, especially Animal Kingdom and Killing Them Softly.

No doubt Mo'ne's life is more difficult because she is a young black woman. I'm black, so I have some idea of what she faces. This was still probably the best way for ANYONE to handle this incident, imo. He was not worth her anger or her time.

No, what Mo'ne did showed remarkable maturity, compassion and self-awareness. This incident was not even worth her anger (or anybody's time), and her kindness just made her attacker look more pathetic. I wish I was half as grown up as she is.

...I still can't get over how much Avengers looked like an Overbudget TV production instead of a cinematic masterpiece...

My favorite will always be Giant Robo, from the '90s anime that was a tribute to Johnny Socko and his Giant Robot.

I love Ruth Negga, her character was one of the strongest elements of an often inconsistent AOS. I am mildly disappointed that the lead candidates for 2 quintessentially American characters are both from the UK. Can't we manufacture are own rednecks anymore?

Did somebody tell Shankar that they already cast the lead for The Crow reboot?

T'Challa and Namor in New Avengers. Although they understood and even empathized with each other, neither could ever forgive the other for the deeds they committed. Watching their near friendship curdle into murderous hate was fascinating.

HE'S pissed off? Then these guys should be furious.

And bring back Michael Sheen. Total waste of a perfectly good villain.

Should have been Richard Armitage.

Cap is indeed the heart and soul of the team, but Hank Pym will always be the quintessential Avenger to me. Brilliant and brave, but also emotionally troubled and foolhardy, he epitomizes the flawed, vulnerable qualities that sets the Avengers apart from the Justice League or any other superteazm.

No one screams confident, multifaceted sexuality more than Cosmic Boy. Indeed the Legion should span the entire sentient spectrum of sexuality.

I appreciate you placing Monica Rambeau high, but no way should she come before the Black Panther.

Colin Farrell's Bullseye was the most enjoyable part of that Daredevil movie. Bullseye murdering the annoyingly talkative seat mate in the airplane with a peanut is a hilarious scene every time I see it.

I'm really glad that Thor spinoff from the Incredible Hulk never happened.

Or in the case of Michelle Pfieffer's witch in Stardust, most, if not all, of the above.

In the TV show, first movie and Ultimate comics, Banner tests the radiation on himself. The MCU often blends elements from several iterations of characters. That's why movie Thor was never Donald Blake, and cinematic Happy Hogan never Pepper Potts.