this dinosaur suit is EVERYWHERE he was at nippon nation in vienna to.
this dinosaur suit is EVERYWHERE he was at nippon nation in vienna to.
just LOCALIZE it you lazy greedy bastards at capcom and we wouldt throw our money at you and wouldnt have to rely on people on youtube!!!!!
“Here’s his trailer. And, spoiler... he’s not voiced by Terry Crews:”
oh man and i thought ghiblis 3d stuff looks atrocious.
we are getting one step closer to a katawa shoujo adaption. WO!!!!
rather interesting actually.
One piece says hi!
hm as long as terry crews isnt announced to be doomfist this is worthless.......WORTHLESS I SAY!!!!!
says a lot about the creator when he chooses the most over overrated title after ff7.
“Think they caught them all?”
“This will be like GURREN LAGANN x KILL LA KILL”
do you NEVER learn? or do you WANT them to get shut down EVERYTIME
“For something so momentous, it feels incredibly sidelined”—the quest itself is locked behind the enchanting profession, for starters.”
good lord and i thought youtube comments are the bottom of the barrel.
hopefully more people that claim to follow anita will see that shes nothing more than a shill and a sham.
“Animator Naoki Yoshibe (aka Yotube on Twitter) recently bought a fidget spinner and created an “AWESOME GIF” with it”
the sunday comics kinda turned into that unwanted friend that always does stupid shit but you still keep contact ti see if it can change..........
well she got her 15 seconds of internetfame.
no language in the world can describe the sleazy assholes of activision.