
good lord and i thought youtube comments are the bottom of the barrel.

hopefully more people that claim to follow anita will see that shes nothing more than a shill and a sham.

“Animator Naoki Yoshibe (aka Yotube on Twitter) recently bought a fidget spinner and created an “AWESOME GIF” with it”

the sunday comics kinda turned into that unwanted friend that always does stupid shit but you still keep contact ti see if it can change..........

well she got her 15 seconds of internetfame.

no language in the world can describe the sleazy assholes of activision.

as long as their in the game it will be bullshit.

well im normally not the one to say this but .....their fault for having such an unstable so called “job”.

oh for f*** sake keep that so called”man” out of any vidoegame related material.

gamercat...i sure hope it wont turn like the others.

i do love me some nailing form time to time.

“I want to have that. I want to walk on-stage and I want people to be scared. I want to be that person that people fear, but I’m confident, that I can go and do this.”

oh no random people on the internet “destroyed” me whatever am i gonna do?

yeah people freak out over a single logo and NOTHING else............

can that jacket transform or something?

so pretty much 50 bucks for a normal nightshirt and 230 for a normal hoodie....

might wanna look at franken fran as references. hehehehe

well whatever i say now is pretty much invalid anyway but okay i could chalk it up on my sucking at expressing my thought how i want to or that english isnt my mothertounge but not like it matters anyway.

looks like rustled some jimmies here. OH BOY