
I think, originally, it was a space-yak?

But poor KiKi.

RIP Dan 'Bannon

That is not what she says. People were sending her mother condolence cards and strangers were angry at her for being in a movie they didn't like. Reading is cool!

Maybe if they can ever restore it to before the studio meddling.

Hellraiser AND Skinny Puppy references. Thanks AV Club!

But is it tearing you apart?


Damn reboots and remakes. Stuart Gordon's version was fine. Are the gonna CGI the steering wheel into his head, now? Hollywood really has run out of ideas. SMH

That stupid mouth makes me laugh every time.

I hope I didn't mislead you into a false sense of security. I found the implications more disturbing than anything shown (although that disgusting drip really drove it home). What qualifies as "horror" can vary, but as this was based in a realistic situation, to know that he had repeatedly done that to the other woman

I had to replace my laptop and it has Beats audio or whatever. Most awful sound from a 'top I've ever heard. Had to get a cheap set of external speakers.

You can't return the stuff, either.

Didnt he die in that Lazarus movie?

I actually went and read some of that over the weekend. Some of it was pretty good. Shouldn't have been a separate site, though.

We all walk the wiibbly wobbly walk. Man.

I actually liked that ripoff of Rear Window, once.

I'll see you…On The Outside.

Salt of the earth.

i do.Was a tough VHS to hunt down.