
@Krondonian: That will be kind of nice when they revamp it. I havent payed attention to Metacritic scores from users for ages because they would vote before the game was out.

Man I love these retrospectives way too much. Everytime I see a new one I have to drop what Im doing and watch.

Holy crap. X3 is on there. Im not the only one in the world that cares about it! :D

@artfuldodga: Its great because its free AND legal. A rare thing when it comes to watching these shows. Unfortunately, there are legal reasons they can only make it work for the US which is not Hulu's fault.

I hope Terminators can replace him soon. Then we wont have security guards leaking games early.

I have a book floating around full of carnage from China in WWII. The book was for the war crimes trials and my great grandpa was a judge in one of the courts. I have not seen the pictures but they were powerful enough that every single verdict they gave was death.

That game redefined meh. No thanks, my copy is still collecting dust.

? Not sure what you guys mean about it being about the control. I played it with a keyboard in DOS and Im sure I had everybit as much fun as anyone with a goofy paddle.

Played this game way too much when I was a child on an ancient DOS machine. Was probably my favorite arcade style game ever come to think of it.

@dojita: That's a strange attitude to approach a game. You won't play it because you won't be able to "shoot everything that moves"? You do know the soldiers you're controlling will be able to do that for you right? :D

@realyst2k: It will give it Aids, have no doubt about that. :S

@Chunky-MonkeyLOL: I know! Who would have thought that a company like Square Enix would be easily swooned by money.... well except for that time Sony did the same thing to get them away from Nintendo, but besides that!

@glibby: Out of curiosity, where is "over here"? :)

@Brian Crecente: Man that picture of yours for comments is amazing.

Mine has yet to die on me but Im going to be bummed if it does at this point. Lot of fond memories with the goofy little box :(

@SecCom: You had to wait ten years!? I feel for you. I had a NES at 4 and was playing DOS games at 3 (albeit very poorly :) )

I actually haven't been terribly interested in this game until a few days ago. This simply makes me want it that much more.

@Fishmonger: I think we are in the minority for liking those two movies. Also, best description of god of war ever.

@SonaliKlien: Sure there is something else more interesting to talk about. That something is CLIFFY B! *cue guitar riff*

Darn. I really was looking forward to this game too.