
@Figcoinc: Bingo! One of these days I will own my own game server and it will be the greatest thing ever. No intolerance, no jackasses. Just remember everyone, the Ban is mightier than the pen (or in this case their special keyboard thats always in full caps regardless of what happens). Only reason their is a

Id only get tetris themed shoes if the played the tetris theme. Like every step could play another little bit of the song. If they did, I would order 400 pairs for me and everyone I know. It would be awesome.

It would be interesting to try and play with this. Imagine trying to run, jump and crouch in mid air on Mario with that thing.

I have hope but nothing more.

... The broken promises stuff is true, but the SDF is going to ba all over this thread. What were you thinking Ashcraft!? Ready the banhammer!

@Tiberian: You bring back one of the fundamental problems with anti piracy measures. The security will simply be ripped out of the game before going up on the torrent sites and then everyone pirating it will have never even known that such a draconian measure was taken to stop them. Meanwhile the people paying for it

@e30b27: Thats a slightly more valid point but a single trip to metacritic will tell you pretty quick if it isnt worth it. It has yet to serve me wrong once.

@MasterDex: It sort of reminds me of a criminal justifying a robbery because the store made it harder to steal. When you actually think about his logic, its amazingly preposterous.

@K-Squad! (Badass Edition): Some of my favorite moments are coming home from the store with a brand new game. I remember three games in particular that sounded interesting from reviews, coming home and playing them, and falling in love with each of them. They were Battlefield 1942, GTA3, and Beyond Good and Evil :D

Piracy is what is killing the PC gaming. Unfortunately, the people I know who pirate games are just too stupid to understand that they should be paying for the games (these people are NOT hardup on money). As a PC gamer since the age of 4, it makes me really sad as well. :(

I hope they do this so that Nintendo and MS are forced to do it as well :D. Yay competition!

@youruglyclone: Its much easier to find scapegoats than really bad writing, directing, acting. Hence why they are in love with blaming it. D:

@AndrewG009: If you like gadgets and character development with your explosions and actions scenes, go see it. If you expect one fight sequence to lead right into the next, then this movie wont be explosiony enough. :P

Awesome movie. Im going to be really disappointed if they screw it up like they eventually did with Spiderman :(