
I'm pretty pumped about all of the changes they are making, and it is coming at a perfect time; I finally pulled away from C.o.D. and just fired Destiny up again. The fact that the Cryptarch is selling Rare and Legendary Engrams made me lose my mind.

Because surprisingly enough if they release these titles on PSN for about, say, $10 to $15 dollars, they would sell pretty well. Now that they have released it on PC, I doubt it would take a lot of work to adjust the code accordingly.

Now playing

If this doesn't start playing after I open up the package, I am going to be so fucking pissed...

Olives!? I am sure that will help give you a bad case of the Red Comet, if you know what I mean.

I would be down for another shot at Crisis Core. You could say that I liked it a lot.... (here is my PSP)

Yes, surprisingly, and they play games on them too! Who would've thought!?

I had my PS3 before it came out, but I was ecstatic when it released. Now, if only Playstation had Tales of Vesperia....

You know, I am surprised that Vanquish isn't on PC already. It seems like a pretty simple port.

Yes. Please, for the love of all that is holy, make another Lunar game. Still some of the best RPG's to date.

I would probably vomit uncontrollably.

No, that isn't true. America absolutely despises JRPG's, and will go as far as demanding them to be released over here. Not to buy them, but just to look at them and scoff because they lack the grey scale to compete with our superior games.

I forgot all about PSO 2 being released. I would kill to have that on my Vita.

Better yet, make a damn trilogy for PS3/PS4/PS Vita. I don't care if it isn't cross buy, because I would get that in a heart beat.

Here's a brilliant concept for you Sega; port VC3 to the Vita, and it will blow up like a fiery phoenix. Since the first Valkyria was ported to PC, it would be awesome if they made one for PS4, and not on Playstation Now.

Gran Turismo 5 did this first with 4 exclusive cars you could choose from. Like these, they were purely cosmetic items, and gave no bonus other than being extras. I don't see the big deal, because these items don't look like they add to the gameplay.

Ride together. Die together. Bad Boys for life.

Oh how ready this body of mine has become....

As someone who also lives in Texas, I agree with this. While it does get a bit shady when you head towards the eastern boarder, the vast majority of Texas isn't a dude ranch filled with redneck frat boys.

You know, I never understood the whole Tales of Eternia swap. I guess they assumed U.S. gamers wouldn't pick it up unless it was a "sequel", a la Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest.

It's really sad that Evolution is having such a shit time with this game. Like MotorStorm: Apocalypse, this game just sort of plopped out onto the market and didn't take off running. The game itself is really fun, and it's a nice marriage of sim and arcade.