
I plan on purchasing it tomorrow, and I fall heavily into option 3. I love the game, and I only played through it once (because I knew a PS4 version was inevitable), but I am most excited about watching people play through the game, and watch their reactions to it. It wasn't a happy game, and it was emotionally

Some times, although I would never purchase this at that price point. Even if it was 6 feet tall, I couldn't drop $500 on this. The LED bit was more of a joke.

Add blue LED's to his spine and mouth, and it's a deal.

Yeah, I am not digging that Green Goblin. Isn't it from the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon?

More vehicles. I wish they have more vehicles available other than the sparrow. Similar to the Warthog from Halo, I want something that can transport players in my fireteam with me. Also, I wish they had vehicles that can be used in combat.


Give me the Fantasia one, ok? Thanks!

So this is what happens when Pooh eats too much honey...

Yup. The waves of Fallen that show up are rather annoying, but that's it.

I had no problem playing Sonic Racing on my Vita, and loved the shit out of it. Mario Kart is a lot of fun, from the little bit I played at a GameStop, but I don't own a WiiU.

yeah, that's happened to me a lot lately, but never in the alpha. I hate it when my team practically says "fuck it" and quits.

Maybe so... maybe so.

I almost shit a brick about the reward because I had my days screwed up and though I missed it, lol.

I have to run through and grab them all... I am missing one.

I play video games to be immersed into the story, or to vent some frustration, or to just relax and lose myself for a few hours. It is different for each occasion, but mostly because I enjoy it. I like to play puzzle games because they make you think, and work on your problem solving skills, or how a shooter makes you

Is this who Lonk is modeled after?

You know, this years PLAY is probably the best one yet. I already see 3 games I will buy instantly, and the 4th one could be interesting... HoHoKum confuses the shit out of me.

You know, this years PLAY is probably the best one yet. I already see 3 games I will buy instantly, and the 4th one

I haven't played the expansion yet for Diablo, so I will definitely get Diablo on PS4.

Man... August I have Diablo, then Destiny in September, and then October is going to just suuuuuuuck monetarily.

Maybe they wanted to give people some breathing room in October. That was looking like a horrid month for my wallet.