How do they ensure the sides don't cave in?
How do they ensure the sides don't cave in?
Whenever my cousins down south talked about stores and schools being closed due to 3-4 inches of snow, I would scoff and tell them that nothing would be closed up here (east coast Canada) even with four FEET of snow on the ground...Now I feel weak and cowardly with my mere four feet.
Not sure how I feel about electronics wrapped in dead things.
Anyone else find there is always a 5 second freeze after opening FF4 before you can use it?
So about 2.2 dollars per gigabyte for the larger one...Definately getting better, but still a long ways to go.
" but they're doing so through a complex lens that can actually change the way you look."
I'm just trying to figure out how the heck they plowed that?!
@Mr.CardHolder and Mr.Doe: 1.75 billion rupees is too much! I'll give you 1 billion. Take it and go.