Congress should attend every funeral for every victim of school shootings. Maybe then they’d get a clue.
Congress should attend every funeral for every victim of school shootings. Maybe then they’d get a clue.
Republicans will violate fire code before they’ll think about regulating guns.
Being a “free thinker” in Kanye’s context means, “my ignorance is as valid as your knowledge”. It’s not.
...or an impressionist’s view of a Klan rally.
This is so much what separates her from Spicey. It was definitely eating him up inside to do what he was doing, and she relishes in what she’s doing.
“Scab” is an old timey union word but had its origins in the 1700s. So you’re not THAT old!
Stuff like this is a stark reminder that abortion rights are the top of a very slippery slope. These people don’t oppose abortion, they oppose bodily autonomy for women. If they manage to get abortion outlawed, they’re going to go after birth control. If they managed to get birth control outlawed, they’d start…
Not gonna lie, I would totally watch this.
Oh shit. This #metoo thing found my breaking point. DO NOT CANCEL PROJECT RUNWAY. Thank you for your time.
Yikes this whole thread is super classist. that Kris Paronto character criticizing an unarmed student in non-combat situation for hiding during a mass shooting, and comparing him unfavorably to his actions as a soldier with a gun doing his job in a combat situation?
You know, if you had told me 20 years ago that I would agree more with Tom Arnold than Roseanne. I probably would have been somewhat incredulous.
Thank you-I have my Red Cross cpr certification and cpr is mostly for heart attacks and such. Why on Earth would anyone think CPR will help someone who is bleeding to death from a gunshot wound?
And, replying to myself.
Just having passed my first responder test, I can hit Rick here with some genius-level knowledge: CPR will not treat a bullet wound. Crazy, I know.
Do you guys think it would be reasonable to approach my small work gym and request that they not have CNN or Fox News playing on the TV’s? They have 4 TV’s near the cardio stuff. One Fox News, one CNN, one HGTV, and one sports channel.... Honestly, I go to the gym to work on my mental and physical health and the anger…
Not to be lost in all this is Trump’s choice to take over at CIA. If Freddy Krueger and Cruella DeVille had a cartoonishly evil daughter it would be Gina Haspel.
You gonna take that shit, Rex? From a little punk like Trump? You actually are a captain of industry. (Hell, you probably know who to call to put together a mercenary army in a pinch.) Go have lunch with Mueller. Couple o’ cold beers. I bet you guys will get along great.
I can’t be the only woman who loved Barbies and grew up to be an independent, successful, queer feminist with high self-esteem. I would have adored a Frida doll. When I was a kid the best Barbie I had was Belle from Beauty and the Beast. We never had anything this cool. If I ever have a kid who likes to play with…
“If you just take this test/ do this thing / prove this data / provide the information, then he’ll stop bullying you.”