please.. the book you worship and follow tells you to kill others who are not like you. Muslims are not to be trusted if they continue to believe in this garbage.
please.. the book you worship and follow tells you to kill others who are not like you. Muslims are not to be trusted if they continue to believe in this garbage.
6s...comes with headphone jack and Touch ID... Thats my daily driver. Why Re-invent the wheel, Apple? Oh I know.. Cause Steve Jobs is dead..No leadership anymore.
Missed the best grill. Gas Ignition + Charcoal...Best of both worlds. Uses small propane tank to ignite the charcoal. Buy a Weber Performer for $300 instead of all these. Cheaper, easier to cook, and faster.
What’s that huge notch on top? my iPhone 6s does not have that. Must be another defect...(or poor purchase decision)..
So glad my house has walls...and carpeting... Would not give them up for open plan or hardwood floors.
Cancelled my 15+ year sub after they ruined stations: Electric Area and Backspin. Replaced both of them with LL Cool J and Horrible DJ..SiriusXM no longer plays unique music. Just same stuff repeated. Switched to and much happier..
so who is smarted when you have identical twins?
AMD Ryzen 5 2600 build went flawless. First time hitting power button all turned on and worked. AMD has done a 180 and now surpassed intel in quality and price. No more awkward cpu+heat sink connectors. Past builds ran into mobo shorting out, not connecting power LED.
550w Corsair works just fine on my Ryzen 2600..Radeon 570 with Oculus Rift VR..Dont need that much power.
I only use it for Backup/Restores.. I use Filza for everything else on my Jailbroken phone.
No, they will catch on fire..or crash due to bugs in OS
Glad I only on an Iphone 6s..Would not buy the other overpriced cr.ap.
South Park..perfect Bezos imitation..He does not speak outloud
iPhone will solve it.
Did the fix the slow turtle speed? Guess Dark mode is more important than performance.. Goodbye Chrome. Hello Firefox.
Cant run Oculus Rift VR fully
We need this automated. Until we come up with technology that opens your trash and sorts automatically, recycling will always fail.
Most of my house is carpet..only Kitchen and Bath is flooring. I’ll stick with my Dyson Vacuum instead.
Now is the time to buy the Radeon 570 and 580 cards for $100....and not spend a ton more money on what this article says to do.
Dumbest article ever...Yeah, go get more in debt by using money you don’t have. Debit cards are more secure that credit cards because they have a pin#. Credit cards don’t. Dont be a fool and listen to this fool.