Boys will be boys. Ferraris will be Ferraris!
Also with a garage space, park as close as possible to a wall on the passenger side. Let your passengers out first of course, but if you get close to a wall it will make really hard to shimmy in there go for two of the four wheels.
This car is the Duke Nukem of the automotive world.
Black Flag? It could have also been filed under Code Brown.
Its very fast but I doubt the Lotus 3-Eleven is even remotely road legal in the United States. Even if it was I am pretty sure my local car insurance agent would be saying f-u.
Just past exit 24 on 78 westbound?
Normally I am all for bringing a 25 year old car in but I would hesitate with a Land Cruiser. These cars are not bought to be kept for a Sunday drive, they are normally tortured, maybe not Top Gear Hilux style but not anything you’d want without significant restoration.
707hp in a vehicle that’s widely known for its handling prowess.... Well unlike the other Hellcat if this lands in a ditch at least they can get out of said ditch. I am making a bold assumption that it will land shiny side up, which it likely won’t.
Nice Price all day....
Bravo, it would have been funnier if you started towing ice skaters behind you. Surprised the Aston didn't strand you.
I agree, but you can always get V8 Conti GT if you want a coupe with the 4.0TT engine.
Um have you seen a Bentley's depreciation rate? Its about $8-$10 a mile. A CPO Conti GT can be had in the 60's when the original price was pushing 200k only a few years prior. I have also seen my local Bentley dealer discounting their demo cars 40-45k off the window sticker.
Why not just buy an Audi S8 or A8L 4.0T?
Just found a new use for a golf cart! :-)
I christen thee, Suck My Wake 2.
Being AMG, I am sure its equipped with “ABC” for ride control and it will have all kinds of hydraulic failures in the future. :-)