
Ever heard a dog whine?

Stocks and the “real world” value of absolutely every publicly traded company is simply made up. There’s nothing financially concrete that’s tying the value of a stock to the company’s financials.

Pretty sure she’s not actually going to date the guy who wins. It’s a charade. That’s the point of this article. 

Or realized that this bitch thinks you’re just there as a playtoy and violates your trust.

Or much worse. Like followed her home and make her so scared to be at her home that she moves....or develops some sort of mental condition.

Dating apps are NOT BAD. People who abuse them are.

This things are doable:

Sodastream is worth billions? WTF? 

Manny’s is the go to steak house in downtown Minny. I was in town for a game last year and was seated at a table next to the Fox Sports crew, including Greg Olsen!

Squeaky wheel gets the grease. Be as loud and obnoxious as you can be without getting arrested or giving them a reason to stop dealing with you.

Join the cult. It’s the Cutco French Chef. (9" or 7.5")

Join the cult. It’s the Cutco French Chef. (9" or 7.5")

WTF is a culture war? Sounds like overutilization of the term war to me. 

Keep on trying to divide the anti-Trump movement.

Doesn’t Tomi realize that forced patriotism IS FASCISM? So weird that these Fox News people talk about loving freedom, but only when it proves their point.

Just note that none of the above garbage you copied and pasted was from the “Founding Fathers.”

Wow, this story really has everything. Weird sex story, a meaningless reason for a significant time delay, internet commenters actually ruining a person’s life, meth heads and real estate agents.

Because every other country with far stricter gun laws which has a direct correlation to much much fewer ridiculous incidents like this is akin to Communist USSR and Nazi Germany.

You are incorrect. Only people who have received formal training are part of a “well regulated militia.” That’s why it’s spelled out that it must be WELL FUCKING REGULATED!

1. Guys who are married/dating aren’t supposed to give attention or care for another woman (outside of work/friend/family circles).

Men are told to be manly. Playing and winning at a sport can be very manly. You know what’s not manly? Having to deal with the chick on your team when you try to display your manliness. No one wants to guard the girl in basketball, soccer or lacrosse. It’s a lose-lose. You and your “skills” are a display of your