
I watched this film for the first time not too long ago and immediately afterward I knew I had one of my favorite movies on my hands. I have been thinking a lot about it since, particularly as my appreciation for Björk as a musician grew exponentially thereafter, and the big sticking point for me throughout viewing

I don't think this premier was perfect but I laughed a solid amount and I don't know that I will ever be okay with Sarah Chalke not being on TV ever again.  She was incredible as Elliot in Scrubs, of course, but seeing her stretch her legs with a character that isn't largely a bundle of neuroses lets her just be

I've been inconsistent at following the writeups for this show so far so I'm sorry if I'm breaking broken ground, but I'd like to give a shoutout to the score of this show.  It's all top-shelf stuff, but the score is ridiculously evocative and beautiful, and makes scenes like the one where Philip brutalizes Irina

The answer that always comes most immediately to mind is Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

I wish only the best for Graynor after how great she was in For A Good Time, Call…, and I think this is far far far from the best, but I'll give it to CBS that they have me locked down for a viewer after this.

I was actually worried about how well a girl from So You Think You Can Dance could act when I first heard the news of her joining on the show but I've been really convinced that she has a niche on the program that she fills very capably.  She may not quite be up to the level of the main 6 but I really hope she sticks

I watched through the first season of Enlightened and I wanted to like it really bad but I could barely stand it, to be frank.  Real bummer, I'd have loved to have liked it.

Chloe in the Afternoon and Cruel from St. Vincent's Strange Mercy is what eventually came to mind, but the first two on I Get Wet is an excellent answer as well, as is the first two from Kimbra's Vows, Settle Down and Cameo Lover.  I should mention Yankee Hotel Foxtrot and xx as well, especially the latter for being

The Koyaanisqatsi reference towards the end got a big laugh out of me.

I'm really really excited to go see this on Friday and this review bolstered my spirits after a more mixed reaction so far.  Thanks, Tasha!

No Bigelow in Director is really disappointing because it single-handedly dismantled what I was hoping to spoil Lincoln for Picture and Director.

Even one episode back into the restarting season there's an immense amount of Truly which makes me so happy.  Pretty much every episode of this show so far has delighted and enriched me to my very core and this is no different.  Couldn't be happier for it to be back.

That makes sense.  Thanks!

This might be a silly question, but midnight in what time zone?

So delighted to see Bunheads on the AVC list, and Girls take the spot of best new show.  My personal list:

So delighted to see Bunheads on the AVC list, and Girls take the spot of best new show.  My personal list:

The top 5 let me down just a tiny bit but in ways I can't have reasonably expected not to happen. Otherwise, great list, had pretty much all of my favorites on it.

The top 5 let me down just a tiny bit but in ways I can't have reasonably expected not to happen. Otherwise, great list, had pretty much all of my favorites on it.

Absolutely perfect pick for scene of the year, it's not quite mine anymore for the Loneliest Planet's doing, but it's an easy top 3.

Absolutely perfect pick for scene of the year, it's not quite mine anymore for the Loneliest Planet's doing, but it's an easy top 3.