
Loads of youtubers did that after the Google+ change, just look at TotalBiscuit.

Never heard of this once, please elaborate on this itty bitty titty ban.

Where is that first gif from? I just saw a flash of my childhood.

That's true, but as you go further down they use all the stereotypical feminazi phrases that guys use sarcastically when insulting feminist. They're literally arguing with a parody that they made up.

It's amazing how obvious it is yet the bait is so easily taken.

In Saints Row there male strippers all over the place.

Well, you can't do that in Super Mario Bros or Dragon Age or Infamous. If this was a thing players could do in every game, that would be one thing. GTA V is a special case. One of the rare games where prostitute machete murder is possible.

Enjoying your popcorn between replies?

Black Friday 2: Buy another day

Whoaaaa, I was on your side until.

Bugs Bunny can be a real dick sometimes.

Where is that bull from? I know i've seen it somewhere.


That would be pretty hot,would love to actually see this in a manga. It would be called the Reverse Kabe-don.

What the heck are you talking about? The point of this is to showcase what can be done with the Rift.Why would doing this affect the creators of southpark who would probably think this looks amazing.You can very easily try this yet buy the Stick of Truth, nothing is stopping you.

That's because Pokemon evolution is more like rapid ageing, going from Child to Adolescent to Adult.


The logic is that they should get it right the first time rather than polish the concept in a sequel.

They're probably focusing on Borderlands 3 for current gen.