i’m not surprised, not after I saw how many horrible trump supporters attacked the Parkland kids for daring to engage in activism.
i’m not surprised, not after I saw how many horrible trump supporters attacked the Parkland kids for daring to engage in activism.
They were going to have two of these set up at once, but due to Kauffman being an AL park they were unable to execute a double Switch.
Peach has been a favorite of mine since Melee. Her ability to just pull out a golf club is one of my favorites. Plus you have the sacrificial Toads.
A trans-Atlantic wall across the ocean that Atlantis will pay for.
“... I want Europe to pay.”
The best part is that Robbie Gould was actually in attendance: https://www.nbcsports.com/chicago/bears/robbie-gould-was-stands-bears-eagles
I am incredibly hyped for this game, and demand to know if Yakuza 3, 4 and 5 are coming to PS4 in the US this year. I’ve only recently discovered I love this series and need more. MORE! もっと!!
It has been pretty obvious he has a screw loose since he did a print interview years ago and stated that he removed the rearview mirror from his car because he always wanted to be looking forward and not back. It turns out this was literally true and not just a metaphor.
+1 sour dough
It’s like those discount baskets of bread you find at the supermarket. Sure, you’re getting a deal, but then the baguette calls you a pussy and you realize why it was so easy to acquire.
Oh my god. This immediately brought to mind the scene in Kill Bill where the hospital attendant had been assaulting her while she was in her coma and just jesus fucking christ. This poor woman.
So... regardless of what complaints are brought against him, he gets to keep his position? There’s literally nothing that can unseat him, aside from him leaving/retiring of his own volition..?
Dragonlance would still be the most popular campaign setting if it weren’t for that monster Ed Greenwood! rassumfrassumforgottenrealmsrassumfrassum
The joke is that Raistlin is the most famous character from the Dragonlance novels (which back in the day were basically the single most popular D&D related thing ever), in many ways the Sephiroth of D&D, and he’s stolen the character and is passing it off as his own creation - and presumably the rest of the world of…
We’re not so different. One thing that fascinates me about Iran, and especially Persian youth and young people, is how relatively open they are when compared to others in the middle east. It may have to do with their theocratic government, people cannot as easily give into the illusion that some islamist rule would…
On that note, I guess it’s a good thing that it’s Smash and not Mario Party. That would be enough to make anyone want to restart their nuclear program just on principle alone. WWIII’s underlying cause? Game Night.
This was a nice gaming culture article, thanks Ben, and I wish these fellow gamers luck with their upcoming event planning.
Honestly, the, “relationship ended, dude/dudette didn’t handle it well, got shitfaced, was responsible enough to at least do so at a hotel/motel, woke up hungover as fuck and late for first day of work at new job” background is much, much more relatable than some dude sitting around his house waiting on orders and…