I assume you get your info from trumps “the president isn’t under investigation” lawyer
I assume you get your info from trumps “the president isn’t under investigation” lawyer
People thought it’d be a good idea to elect a reality tv star who resorted to schoolyard name calling throughout the entire election process and is such a great businessman that even with his daddy’s small 5 million loan to start and piggybacking on the family name has filed for chapter 11 several times to the highest…
Yup that’s just what I was about to go do
Abigail could be a guys name we shouldn’t be so quick to judge next thing you know people will be saying Kamille is a girls name
Yeah I’m not saying what’s described isn’t really bad but what exactly could they even charge him with? Are cults illegal?
Is shigeru Mormon he seems to be marrying alot of us
I also got this as im not currently in school I believe it’s telling me I should go back
Didn’t know too much about either went with the blossoms because of the word gin in it...seriously
At least you finally hooked up with Chars (haha omg that’s the best autocorrect ever leaving it as is) sister
Weird apparently I’m gonna marry Miyamoto guess I should go register for classes then
Unfortunately in that case they’ll probably do that like that one cop who shot the yoga instructor in pjs through the squad car door
Right don’t remember when it came out but what if they’d rushed off to see superman 64 or something of its ilk at least it was starfox
Can vouch for the second hand stories bit I star in several I have no recollection of I took someone else’s posts and learned to ration the drunk some might even call me a drunken master ...I lied no one calls me that
I voted for Hillary because I can’t stand trump I figured she’d at least act like an adult but I hope she never runs again if she couldn’t beat him I have no faith in her whatsoever I don’t care how close it was anyone else should’ve crushed him
Eff the church! They’ve been an enemy of mine dating back to medieval total war on pretty much every game I played the pope would excommunicate me I’d have to wipe him out and then some bastard pope in exile would always rise up late game at the worst possible moments I hated him so much
Eff the church! They’ve been an enemy of mine dating back to medieval total war on pretty much every game I played the pope would excommunicate me I’d have to wipe him out and then some bastard pope in exile would always rise up late game at the worst possible moments I hated him so much
Isn’t samurai x also what they call the heavily edited version of Kenshin for that reason I prefer either calling it Trust & Betrayal or if I don’t butchering the pronunciation how you say the ovas title in Japanese as follows
Why should we be skeptical of 2018 release...oh god no Jason don’t you delay this one too
Believe I also saw something awhile back that the same components they use in the swith are in high demand from tech companies and the like can’t make them if they don’t have sufficient materials
To impugn upon his mother’s honor (because people like to say not to be a racist or something and then proceed to be racists I knew where i was going with this so screw the b.s.) maybe all those pictures he saw of his father’s family where they are white was because that’s not his father he did say his parents were…