
Yeah I especially get worried because our houses address is hard to see and the next door neighbors is missing some numbers they actually dropped off something of theirs at our house by accident only thing I never found was the camera I ordered as a gift for my mom but Amazon sent another one

And Damon (it’s what the other word autocorrects to from now on I’m just rolling with so every time you see Damon read it as the other one) just avoid youtube altogether I’m basically just going straight to my history and searching from there because I’ve already seen a couple video headlines about the next episode

I was originally planning to do that then when it got to the midway point I binged all those episodes then I kept getting suckered into just needing to see what happens next episode but I’m stopping at 42

Have you watched any of the second season yet? I’m gonna do my best from now till it’s done airing to avoid spoilers then I’m gonna binge it all at once I stopped at episode 42

I still saw truce but yeah totally thought it said furries

It sounds way more impressive when they say he pulled this off maybe 25 other times and made off with 60 million yen rather than he only did a bit over 500k seeing as how he got caught maybe he shoulda just taken bigger risks and been living it up

I don’t like what this man stood for but it doesn’t change the fact that he was murdered and thats not ok I don’t care what color someone’s skin color is everyone deserves to be judged solely on their own merits not what their country, race, religion or family has done what they do here on earth that’s how you judge

I’m starting to think he won’t get impeached I don’t think the republicans care all they’re interested in is their party and holding onto their power they’re pathetic human beings

The hell if I know I just live here

Thought the pig one was ganon. dorf is the one from smash

Just pretend. enjoy what you like ignore the rest I liked bits of the star wars expanded universe so ill just act like a bunch of my favorite characters didn’t die

Yeah I picked it up from 28 days later think it’s funny how most Americans seem to be super offended by it 

I have the dvds blurays but I somehow bought the wrong one I wanted the special edition one saw it on sale awhile back if I see it for that price again it’ll be the 4th time I purchased the show

I actually felt bad for melo with the way Phil Jackson has been treating him like damn even nba 2k17 melo is getting punked on by obama he can’t catch a break anywhere

Well I partially agree with you that Toy Story 4 isn’t necessary as 3 finished the story perfectly I actually pretty much grew up with toy story and saw the 3rd in theaters with my cousins around the same age but I think I heard a rumor that Toy story 4 would have bo peep and that’s something I want to explore more of

You magnificent bastard I actually laughed at this

I love ageage again project mirai dx was my 1st miku game and I remember ageage again being one of the first songs to absolutely frustrate me I became obsessed with getting a perfect I’m currently going for the last song of diva x and seeing as i don’t have a ps4 looking on enviously at the miku I don’t have

I had fun with blitz the league me and my brother were playing g and he took out my qb like 4 times every time I just roided him up and sent him back out good times

Omg I starred you then realized that was a reference to shermans march to Atlanta and yeah that is pretty bad

Eh I like the niners they let me down in their most recent super bowl and pretty much every season since (still can’t believe they didn’t give the ball to Frank Gore he woulda scored been mvp and helped his HOF case)