Sorry to hear about your condition theyre one of my favorite developers/publishers its kinda like how Sega wont localize any games but more specified to 1 area. Sucks.
Sorry to hear about your condition theyre one of my favorite developers/publishers its kinda like how Sega wont localize any games but more specified to 1 area. Sucks.
Knew the developers name started with an L so i did read up on this game before that settles it i already did my research on this game day1 for me on vita to encourage more vita game localizations plus my ps3 is running out of space
Thanks for the info while i prefer subs ATLUS usually does a pretty good job with dubs and overall im after the game and its story/gameplay, pretty sure i heard about this game awhile back however this would be the 1st Ive heard about its localization i think i know who the developers are too but their name escapes me…
Youre not even a real doctor!
Time Crisis i remember that game i beat it on ps1 and the bonus mission too...we didnt have the gun i remember my older brother could never get past the helicopter hed always run out of time
Its on GOG i think they have pc mac and linux versions too and they have sales often ive seen it go on sale a couple different times there
Thought looked like shit was a bit harsh although my immediate reaction when i saw RCT4 was that it looked worse than 3 and maybe 2 i did however rec for the awesome bloodsport gif always hated the villain in that film
Just realized Winry or anyone from FMA was in that that top 20 female anime characters shows what i know youd think someone could get in considering between the 2 shows its over 100 episodes guess once youre done youre dead to them
Yeah but he can wall jump funny how i never noticed or missed the lack of a double jump in mario games
Stuff happens im sure it wasnt easy but like you said unemployment and other things sometimes conspire against us to deprive us of our games bastards!
I was kinda surprised by how many people traded their ps3s and 360s in i guess most people dont care about their game library but i also think some people didnt realize both PS4 or the X1 werent backwards compatible i hope Nintendo continued their trend of backwards compatibility i still have my wii for all my…
I also recently purchased a ps2 for retro goodness although i also plan on using it for ps1 games too been accumulating a little pile of goodies have pretty much everything megaman covered across playstation minus adventures of tron bonne which is just ouch on price and also missing gba and ds megaman games other than…
Bought it used for super cheap like last year for reasons you and the article list sounded like a fun game with great gameplay
Its 2 amazing games for like $30 (not completely sure cuz i got the collectors ed.) its completely worth it for that price id even pay more (i did)
People who think that way are messed up sucks that women have to put up with that crapl
Uther got what was coming to him
With great power comes extreme loneliness? (Not that i know enough people for 8 player smash on my Wii U either)
Yeah i used to play conkers bad fur day multiplayer splitscreen with my cousins on a tiny crt tv so im with you on not having issues with splitscreen (miss that game its so expensive now)
I heard good things about valkyria chronicles hd for pc
Eshop is Wii U and 3ds only i think you meant Wii Ware that one implemented file size limitations as far as i know Wii U has no such restrictions other than the systems have 2 models with 8GB and 32GB of internal memory but thats why i got a 2TB external HDD which is why i prefer downloading games to it they work…