
You actually do need a tv for the initial setup but after that youre good with just the gamepad for most games i took mine for thanksgiving and we played smash that way

It basically is think they even said its a sequel its similar to how they dont call it luigis mansion 2 even thought its the 2nd in the series or for a more recent example Dragon Age Inquisition is Dragon Age 3 and i hear there is lore from past games in it

I knew the top pic reminded me of something completely reminded me of SMT Devil Survivor love game...still havent beaten it and already preordered the 2nd DS game Atlus import tax and all (Sega if you were to bring your games over and charge a little more for it i would not give a f) not sure why they started what ive

I got T2T planning on picking up natural doctrine all the srpgs is pretty much how i feel i recently declared i would start a FE marathon (only internationally released games tho of which i own all wallets better now tho and has forgiven me. The fool.) guess Ill go order of release date have 2 copies of FE

I love GOG found out about them awhile back and wont lie its getting to the point where there is rarely anything i want going on sale anymore cuz i already have the game most likely unless its a new release but for me gog is the best im planning on getting the witcher III from them you get a 20% discount if you have

I thought Prime was in the same universe as High Moon Studios Cybertron games

You know Toad got his own game too also and you can play as toadette

I agree. I used to have Super Mario All Star with Super Mario World for the Snes and feel like it was my training grounds and taught me skills i use to be successful in games today. Trying to teach my Sister to run in Mario was beyond frustrating

Yeah i figured thats what they meant otherwise multiplats could just be claimed by all of them RE came out on Playstation and Gamecube and theres more examples so its narrowed down to games developed or owned by each then im pretty sure Nintendo would win Waifu Wars seeing as this scenario excludes 3rd party games for

Not sure if its available where you're from but Nintendo's website sells refurbished Wii Us for $200 not sure if its US only tho and i think (but am not sure) they come with a warranty

I thought it was FE and they couldnt come out cuz he was blocking the i wanna play Fire Cra...i mean Emblem (so addicting)

was going to best buy anyways to check out tvs and those eshop cards but Ill finally be picking this up at that price

Import Tax ? Hey im just guessing here i noticed the same thing with SMT IV but i got the premium edition of both so i didnt really notice that much

I like the harder difficulties myself (tho i dont know why) but i am all for more options especially if it means more people get to enjoy the games

For the most part. I wouldnt want to play 3D Land without it

Thats what im wondering i actually had it preordered through Amazon but cancelled it after I saw black friday deals the price didnt show up on Amazon for me tho It says 22.99 i think

I actually love dry bowser hes a drybones too so its not too egregious also liked King Boo

Hahaha youd like that wouldnt you? ( im sorry the answer is no and for a sec thought they were vita cards) try waiting for black friday i seem to recall getting a pretty good deal on a vita memory card last year i think at gamestop

Hahaha youd like that wouldnt you? ( im sorry the answer is no and for a sec thought they were vita cards) try

I preordered Marth cuz i heard they might have limited runs and i wanted some FE representation but it was always Ike i really wanted figure looks pretty sweet

Before the trailer starts it lists a T rating for blood violence and something else think that answers your question but you just seem predisposed to hate on this game whatever thats cool i think it looks great however