
Yeah, they relocated it to Kansas in certain media but originally it was eastern seaboard.

I got the opinion that "brink of sanity" is exactly what they were trying to say considering the writer goes on and on about how free markets work and how you can pay people to do whatever you want given enough money.

Even if they did it wouldn't matter. Bipedalism; a form of terrestrial locomotion where an organism moves by means of its two rear limbs, or legs.

Exactly, Like that one time I thought they cast an Emu as Pepper Potts in Iron man.

That death scene put many Asian horror movies to shame. I saw it coming but still didn't see that coming.

I'd start right at the beginning with Seeds of Destruction or The 1st Library Edition.

Whoever is managing the CW should be given the reigns over the DC movies. I'm more excited for the Flash than Superman vs Batman.

I don't think so. There are only so many people that want to even watch that type of show. You wouldn't want to split the viewership. By setting them at different times back to back on different networks it probably assures more viewership. You also wouldn't want your whole night to be dominated by genre shows

Sweet didn't hear about the ABC change.

Will the Flash be on at the same time as Agent's of SHIELD? That seems like some very bad scheduling if they want people to pick one over the other.

I do love that Bill Paxton went out being absolutely batshit insane. Even better were all the other characters reactions to him.

You may not like Isabel's costume but It was pretty much fan service making Isabel look like Slade Wilson's daughter Ravenger.

No, it's more like he is a Starlord because his dad is like a space king or whatever you'd call.

Oh God that's terrible. Man, I can't believe I now hate Stephen King even more than I did.

DC deserves everything it gets. It ruined many of it's characters rebooting their universe and things like Forever Evil which I actually kinda like have been stretched out into having one issue a month for 7 months. I have no interest in one comic a month for 7 months for so little story.

In the new reboot of the Guardians of the Galaxy comic it's a title given to him. In the older comics I'm pretty sure it's a joke and he doesn't even like being called it.

Well if it's based off The Drawing of the Three it will be old Roland and have little to do with the young Roland Arcs. Honestly I just read all 7 novels and I plan on avoiding this like the plague.

Less people watched it.

I'm thinking real Grundy is coming eventually.

Ha, Arrow got Solomon Grundy before Batman.