Reverend Hunt


Seems legit!

Not to be confused with Mypos, homeland of this guy:


Apple had to be careful, they're ruffled.

HAL is one of those rare developers that has a perfect understanding of how to balance difficulty levels. Kirby games, at least since Adventure, have always been easy to beat. But doing and seeing everything is insanely tough in their games.

An Excellent Comment.

Mine goes in the neighbours yard.

Fuck that guy.

Yeah, triple deluxe was awesome. v.v

"Despite his persistent presence as one of Nintendo's iconic disgustingly cute characters, Kirby hasn't had a good, solid game of his own in a while"

My feelings.

gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8

They missed the best president.

Now playing

Not sure my favorite overall but this recent one was just so insane. I thought it was brilliant. I've rewatched it a bunch of times and it just keeps getting better and better. I love crazy out-there things and this is just perfect.

Giant Bomb is the best...oh uh...sorry Kotaku.