Reverend Hunt

Reminds me of the statues of Hell at the old Tiger Balm Garden.

If I had a quarter for every new and sometimes even conflicting rumor/report about the NX, I’d be able to completely buy Nintendo as a whole.

I heard about this and I’m like “wait, isn’t there like 6 of these a year already? The big sell on the new NES is that it’s NINTENDO doing it - and they haven’t done a dedicated console in like 30 years.”

No, they obviously wouldn’t have MissingNo. actually mess anything up if officially introduced. MissingNo. didn’t “break” the game anyway. Graphical glitches and item duplication were all.

I haven’t bought a Pokemon main-line game since HeartGold but if they ever officially introduced MissingNo. I would buy every one it showed up in.

Impressive amount of third party titles.

Hey buddy. I feel like all games should be preserved. Everyhing from Suda’s games, to the one you worked on, to the stupid shareware-era DOS Breakout clones made by a 12 year old in the mid 90s. Everything.

How appropriate is that last screenshot, neh?

Yeah but Mai’s the original bouncy ninja. She was doing that before there even was a DoA.

Pose up there doesn’t seem to be any different from

All I can think of is how Mario’s ass is full of thorns now.

All of these so tame when compared to the insanity that is Winning Post 3

Oh man I don’t even have to look at the full URL to know what this is <3

Why was I not informed of this? For once I’m excited for a VR thing!

Just do Heroes of the Storm: Fighting Game edition. Why stick with one game when there’s already a crossover to work from?

MGS and Splinter Cell say hi

It’s my birthday Saturday so I’ll be...

It’s 2016... can we finally stop pretending that everyone else should have the same preferences as us?

Wait story mode’s not dubbed? Wha..? It was in the previous one.

I feel it’s important to remember that roadmaps are just outlines of intentions anyway. These things are rarely set in stone.