Reverend Hunt

I never get tired of “I’m Batman.”

You can play repro carts on any SNES....

I don’t know who that is but the videos on the website pull from a Youtube channel with that name.

I really wish it was - or had an optional - standalone release. Just gimme a disc with Battlegrounds and nothing else on it, and no accompanying portal or pieces.

I just want a Dissidia Kingdom Hearts.

And Japanese. My point was, they’ve called him Gallantmon since day 1 in the US so it’s weird to see that name.

Yeah they announced that you can send your R/B/Y(G) Pokemon from the Virtual Console version to Pokemon Bank and into Sun/Moon when S/M was announced.

“Morals don’t belong on a hacking scene. Don’t be stupid.”

Chaos. He was in the first one too but there was no playable version unless you haxed it.

I don’t play Halo so I had no idea there was more than one. I just wanted to play as Keith David in another fighting game other than Dissidia 012.

I love reading these articles about how you’ve been able (or unable) to relate to characters and experiences in the media. Any time I come across one, I make sure to clear a few minutes out of my schedule.

I’ve been watching the story scenes on YouTube and the voice acting is fine. I don’t understand how good/decent voice acting is constantly coming under fire for being less than.

I think you missed Mozart’s point.

I know I’m a broken record at this point, but it hurts that they moved the Multiverse line from 3.75" (the scale I love to collect) to 6" exclusively. Worse yet, it seems we aren’t even getting dumb little 5 point-of-articulation figures for the movies like we had been. I at least liked picking up bunches of those on

But how does it play?

Oh Bandai. So inconsistent.

Is there a side-by-side of the albums with the comics? There’s more than a few where I’m like “dammit I know this one... I just can’t place it” and one or two I straight up don’t recognize.

Dukemon? I’ve never seen that name used in an English language production....

She’s finished compiling the multiplayer and needs to make sure the code runs. And Barbie does not feel comfortable playing multiplayer unless she can insult the mothers of others whilst doing so.

Miles isn’t dead... Where the heck did you hear that? In fact, he just got absorbed into the new mainstream universe.