Reverend Hunt

So far, there are no really scantily clad females being Fatality'd in MKX. D'Vorah and Cassie are dressed VERY conservatively compared to women in past incarnations (especially the last few, that seemed like they were trying to out-DoA DoA), and Ferra never takes the kill. I have no doubt some lass' going to show up

M$? Really? Is it 1997 again?

I got who I wanted most in the game (Pac-Man and Little Mac). Anyone else is just icing on the cake for me.

He did a pretty killer job in Ice Age 27 or whatever number that was.

I've been asking for a cross-buy from Nintendo ever since Virtual Console service was announced for Wii U.

Literally my favorite Simpsons moment ever. I recently found out that the Abe Simpson Lego minifigure comes with this paper, and so I now have to track it down.

I read your comment and thought "Hm. That sounds like a Chef Excellence reference." And then I saw who said it :D

As a fighting game fan, I really liked the MKX footage. Had to watch it a few times in fact.

Should have had a net for the ball.

Kotaku is now synonymous in my mind with pissed-off Koreans.

Hell yes.

Which is six more than my phone.

I am incredibly sad. Once again, something I enjoy, is being used as a scapegoat for psychopathic behavior.

And OUYA. Fire TV but not OUYA? :|

It was announced for Android when the game itself was announced a few months ago, and a scan of their Facebook page says an Android version will be out in "Summer".

I want a Boo watch

I was going to say "These people have obviously never seen a gorilla before", but there's one already sitting right there on the roster.

When a villain is, or does something, politically incorrect, for some reason people are quick to say "I don't like this, you need to change it." He/she is the VILLAIN. Though they may or may not have likable qualities, they're supposed to be overall despicable.

Precisely what I thought when I saw the thumbnail!