When I worked at GameStop, we were more or less forbidden to give personal recommendations. We were there to make sure money exchanged hands and that's more or less it.
When I worked at GameStop, we were more or less forbidden to give personal recommendations. We were there to make sure money exchanged hands and that's more or less it.
Came here to post this one. The fact that they went the extra mile to make her actually playable makes me happy.
Waffling over this. I love Street Fighter, but I can't stand to listen to Maximilian for a second.
Yeah I literally had no idea they were announcing anything last night at all.
Yeah see, oddly enough, while I love playing fighting games (I'm not really good, but I rotate through several dozen even shit ones), I really can't find *watching* interesting at all.
One of your female game characters gained sentience, obviously. Occam's razor.
I'm pretty sure a good number of people (myself included) didn't know there was a "stream".
Really? Have you ever read the story of Breakout? Woz did most of the work and Jobs cheated him hard.
Garfield hasn't an ounce of acting ability in his body. His deadpan is too dry and his rage has no emotion in it. I won't defend Maguire but there's no way in hell Garfield has any advantages over him.
I'd say the HyperScan would place higher on the list. Hell old weird handhelds like the Mega Duck and the SuperVision would probably rank in the tenner category.
I just got an Ouya today ($18 at the Goodwill ftw) and I've been enjoying myself with it. A good deal of things that I see repeated complaints about are not showing themselves to me. I'm wondering if some were ironed out in patches but still, I see the complaints persist long after said patches would be out. I do…
This is literally the worst stance to take.
Same reason there are bakeries and stuff that don't donate day-old (and still edible) bread and such to the homeless. Which is... well I actually never heard a legit reason.
I sadly own that game. It's godawful.
SoR2 is literally my favorite game of all time.
Goosh goosh!
So why can't lesbians and bisexual girls play these?
That's literally the only reason I've never sent him anything yet, despite being an avid fan of his work for years.