A what now?
Ask JesusChrist over there in the opposite column to get you a sense of humor.
I'd normally call out this sort of article on yellow journalism, but you know what? They totally did dismantle Microsoft and HARD.
Not gonna lie, I was hoping for PS All-Star DLC character announcement or sequel. Yes, I'm an idiot.
Oh great. Rachel's broken again. Someone reboot her.
Why would anyone associate that with rape?
Someone wanna clue me in on the origin of the nothankyou.jpg? I've been seeing it for years here but literally only here on Kotaku.
In rest of world, you make ports for your gamers. In modern Russia, gamers make ports for you!
And I get all sorts of loud shenanigans outside my window at all hours. Gunfire, explosions, arguments, super-loud radios... Flippin' people playing a game until 11 is something I'd welcome.
But that's not free-roaming at all, and you're only Subby for the first few missions. Once it goes character-specific you play as everyone.
Hm. I've learned something now. Nobody's ever told me it was a difference in local jargon when I've pointed out "mistakes" (which is a habit because when I go to search in databases for one or the other I always find them in the opposite categories).
I've always done it right. I don't see why not. It's not like I'm in a hurry to watch a video, and I don't think I've ever seen an agegate before I was old enough to "legally" use one anyway.
I was told that I was "retarded" for ever expecting to be such a thing as an Ouya exclusive.
Wait what? Why the heck do you guys call them that? I thought America was the weird English-speaking country for terms. Do you exclusively call brawlers brawlers then?
I... don't think this was a thing. DA didn't have one... Deception and Armageddon had sort of what you're describing, but you played as Shujinko and Taven. I know my MK but there may be something, somewhere, where I've derped. If you do find out, please let me know!
What free-roaming in Deadly Alliance?
Beat-'em-ups are brawlers. Streets of Rage, Final Fight, that kinda thing. This is a fighting game.
All of the DLC characters in fighters that have been paid DLC have been $5 (except for the SFxT fiasco). Even SNK's. And the ones in KoF13 were just variants of pre-existing characters.
I'm actually surprised that the pictures aren't a bit more varied, like throwing in his Donkey Kong NES cover appearance or his Mario Bros. reverse color scheme.