
There are a number of 3rd party applications for it, that allow you to do some of the things many people complain about, and they're free.

Good God, I thought H1N1 was bad; what did this guy do, give the virus steroids and make it radioactive?

OMFG, Giz! Why are the videos set to autoplay?!? I'm sitting in another tab wondering why the hell my video is loading so slowly, to come back over here and find this. FUCK, so many things pissing me off today!

So, because you can't read books on it, they are useless? There is more to a tablet these days than reading books, this tablet gets shit on everyday by people who have never used or even seen one in use. The music and video players are great, the browser is arguably the best on any tablet, the 7 inch size increases


No, RIM does a damn good job keeping people from snooping around in their OS. It's why they are allowed to sell to the US government.

WTF? Why does everyone dislike it so much? It sure doesn't have as many apps as iOS or Android, but the store is getting better everyday, there are EA and Gameloft games if that's what you want. It's a great device even without email.

Does anyone know if the tessellation feature of DX11 is possible on OpenGL?

Most times you will find the developer hands off the Wii version of the project to another studio they work with. Another thing they may do is, delay the Wii version, or release it earlier than the other systems. That way the Wii version doesn't hold back the development for the PS3/360.

Why does it seem like touchscreen apps for desktop OS always lag, despite the fact that the desktop has faster processing power than mobile devices?

Thank you for that. :D

Come on, you know you want to laugh :D

That's interesting, I can't wait to see the PSVita GPU performance, as it is supposed to be just an iPad 2 GPU with two extra cores.

I really hate being, "that guy", but you also put "clams" instead of claims. :D

What are LARD clams? Are they tasty?

Is this detecting and interpreting the words the user wants to say, or is it just listening out for specific simple readings from the EEG pads that activate pre-programmed actions?

Sooooo, I need to move back/zoom out a bit to get the same image on my smaller sensor (APS-C) camera? Is that all this is about?

Sony a390, very awesome camera, the price was down for a while. I recommend it for a beginner DSLR.

What you did there has been acknowledged.