
When was the last time you opened up Netflix to find something truly incredible and unique to watch?

I think he is trying to say that if you’re getting violently worked up over the inability or preorder any piece of technology, you should realign your priorities.

I’m an early adopter by nature, but have held off on smart switches for a few reasons.

No. You don’t hit anybody unless they’ve instigated a physical confrontation. There are better, more mature ways to take the fucker down. Use your words.

Claim your prize at customer service on your way out the door, Jeff.

It feels so pointless. It’s just the crucible and you work toward nothing substantive. I’ve got several packages and it’s been re-skinned guns and zero armor. I thought at first that the token system was a cool thing to handle some of the world content, now that I see they intend to use it for absolutely freaking

I am a beer snob, you drink whatever the hell you want. As long as you are happy and not hurting anyone you do not need to explain yourself to anyone.

Go up to man with stick. Claim you’re scared of stick. Kill man. Enjoy paid vacation. Claim murdered man was “no angel”. Collect extra overtime quelling the protests after you’re cleared of any wrong doing.

This would be a great opportunity to name a few of those, “other, better” tools. Lots of people read these articles. Feel free to share your information. I’ve been using CCleaner since back when it was still called Crap Cleaner.

Zebra #1 - Daaaamn - looks like Bob is gettin’ torn up by a croc over there

Didn’t they relocate the story to be set in the US? If so, then it’s not whitewashed. It’s just a localized adaptation, like Edge of Tomorrow and House of Cards. That is perfectly acceptable. There’s no expectation to cast Asian American actors, though it would have been nice if they had. If they had kept it set in

Maybe I’m being a dick, but “a problem with his bike’s steering” really just means “a problem with the rider,” right?

That feels like the correct spelling in reference to this, star for you sir!

Going to an article expecting a list with words of some sort and instead encountering a video

They were never out of fashion.

Now playing

Here was another Automata that I found very good and feel did not get much publicity.

High-octane fuel does not magically have more energy in it, it can just be compressed more before self-igniting. If an engine is designed for regular, then it doesn’t have enough compression to take advantage of that.

Screw Comcast.

I mean, it contained an endearing quantity of dog GIFs though.

Which I pronounce “jifs”. And I know what it stands for. And I’ve worked in IT for a decade. Fuck the haters, it sounds better this way.