
I actually thought the entire character was CG because the body movements bothered me more than the face. Now that I know it was an actual person on set that makes it even more strange.. either the guy didn’t know how to “act natural”, or was too busy trying to emulate Peter Cushing’s movements from A New Hope that it

I like Mark Sanchez too, but I wouldn’t go that far.

And I must say Deadspin’s collective hate for the Warriors has become egregious. Sure, they have a dick owner. Every other pro sports team does, too.

I kinda feel bad for Morena Baccarin. She’s really slumming it being on this show. What a waste.

If I had a dollar for every time a baby boomer complained about my generation, maybe I could afford to buy a house in the market they destroyed.

I only got the headline of that orange juice article because paygates, but I imagine it goes something like “orange juice industry is falling, millenials don’t drink enough, how can we make them drink more”, right?

Omitted highlights: Deadpool getting made, being a big hit.

In the Good column:


Hey Einstein, propane in a tank is liquid.

They did not. What’s worse, they couldn’t even figure out which air gauge they used to measure the balls with. What’s worse, 1 of the 2 gauges available was faulty. What’s worse, the ref had said he used “the gauge with the logo”, which was the faulty gauge. What’s worse, the NFL determined it MUST have been the

NBA was a trashfire too until they hired Michele Roberts who pitched her competence as “my past is littered with the bone of men who underestimated me.”. In other words they hired someone competent. The NFL players are happy with a union leader who has screwed the players for over 10 years for some stupid reason.

Most of their negotiating is done by men with CTE.

Yeah, PSI=POUNDS per square inch. Obviously they weighed them.


You know what? Fuck the Thunder. They moved from the 13th biggest market to the 43rd biggest market and fucked over the people of Seattle in the process. They then cried poverty when it came time to sign Harden and decided to trade him rather than pay him $4m more over the life of his contract. By not keepoing a good

...Natalie Portman got Oscar nominated for another film in the midst of slogging her way through the prequels. These were really good actors being given absolute shit to work with. The only two who acquit themselves were McGregor, who somehow found some meat in the writing and transcended the direction, and Christoper

For god sakes even Samuel L. Jackson came off as a boring idiot in those films......You have to be some special kind of crap writer/director to pull that off.

Wow, those guys have some problems on offense.

And thanks to the NFL’s official online ticket exchange, his dad was able to see it happen from the stands.

Completely agree on the last 30-45 minutes/3rd act of the film. Despite having a damn good idea what was going to happen to everyone and KNOWING that they succeeded, it was awesome to watch play out on screen.