
I still can't believe there's resistance to making Hellboy 3. Who doesn't want to see that film??

To Hell, we hope.


The T-Mac is strong in that one.

man I want to give the nick name of "big sleepy" to kawhi because every time he does something awesome like this immediately right after he looks like he wants to take a nap..

Heat fans are a joke. Booing? Really? After all that team has given y'all? #FOH

i say this everyday to myself at about 10:30am

Art thou upset, brethren?

You seem pretty irrationally convinced that you know the kind of guy he is based on a 2nd hand accounting of something he said that is completely correct. If I call you and tell you that I'm making a photo-accurate render of some furniture you make and I'd like you to send me some material for that purpose I would

God, I really wish Sony would tone down the attacks at their competition, if only because it sets a horrible example for their already obnoxious fanboys.


Now it's Mass Halo Effect: Cha-ching Edition.

The only smug, self-absorbed asshole here is you, buddy.

You're out of your mind if you think GM or Porsche is going to send Microsoft/Turn10/Whoever full resolution CATIA/NX/Whatever CAD files of their vehicles. It'd be way, way to easy for that to leak and be picked up by some Chinese manufacturer.

Chill the fuck out.

You've never meet Dan, he is a super nice guy. I met him at PAX and he was really cool and passionate about the games and he has a sweet M3. I think you are really taking his words out of context. The data provided to them is garbage for their purposes so they go and capture all the stuff themselves as they have

Calm your tits.

To be fair, he wasn't an asshole. It's just that, for his purposes, the CAD data isn't nearly as useful as you'd think. He was a nice guy, really!

I would like this show a lot more if I didn't find Piper so whiny and obnoxious.