I’m international. The hell is SoHo?
I’m international. The hell is SoHo?
Second skydiving plane crash landing in a week (or 2?). The first in Dubai: http://blueskiesmag.com/2015/07/09/sky…
I know it was joke.
Well during it’s one flight it completed it successfully. So that gives it the 100% success rate no?
BMW dosen’t need to build this car?
Say this to our rich Middle-East market (and I guess Russia too). Useless rocket SUV market. TONS of them.
Thats.. not how plumbing works?
Btw, this car has Saudi plates, and its probably driven by a Saudi.
It looks.. sad? Like someone who had everything now living and used to another (lesser) world. As if TG never happened. As if everything never happened. Just James May, as if he was a normal youtube reviewer.
What’s with the Car vs Armoured Vehicle stuff lately?
Isn’t it the RS6 not RS7?
This is the best article in 2014 I ever read.
Don't pilots do engine check-ups before takeoffs? How do they miss a part that fails the engine?
Irrelevant question. Why do the cars following the Safety car always move side to side instead of a straight line drive?
So there was a huge uproar, but Cadillac stayed the course, and after a while everyone got used to the names that they had initially complained about so angrily. We grew to like the CTS, and we grew to accept the STS, and we grew to tolerate the fact that grandma would be buying a DTS no matter how many times we told…
Stuiped question, but would hand-braking in those situations cause more harm then good? (Assuming the hits the barrier from the passengers side, or even front or back side of the car).
Nice observation