Jackie chan wouldve been amazing in that hypothetical revolutionary war re-imagining if hed have done it around the time of rumble in the bronx he couldve done it with the shoe cast would’ve been great
Jackie chan wouldve been amazing in that hypothetical revolutionary war re-imagining if hed have done it around the time of rumble in the bronx he couldve done it with the shoe cast would’ve been great
Isnt that what they do in china?
So my favorite use of a flamethrower was in the last of us I have a problem where I save weapons or ammo in games waiting for some big moment to unleash them on the enemies but for the most part end up watching the credits without every having used some of the best weapons and sure enough it was about to be the case…
Yeah hotkeys used to kick my ass I tried to cheap the cheatsheat handy at all times for all my games with multiple units/abilities but like someone else said I would love another warcraft rts and yes starcraft is easy money taken from me willingly of course maybe a special edition with yknow special edition stuff I…
Pretty sure the new xbox and ps4 models are pretty much for vr related stuff and if youre not doing that stuff its mostly just unnecessary fluff like I dont even have a 4k tv either so ill just take advantage of the price drops of the older models when they release the new ones
For me I was never really that interested in this game for whatever reason it sucks though that so many people built this up the way they did I learned the hard way that having outlandish expectations almost inevitably always ends in crushing disappointment however not having any expectations can lead to a bunch of…
Its not hard to find if youre in the us I always see it on Amazon and specialty stores like rightstuf price might be an issue though I plan on getting it once I have more funds I just preordered MSG the origin 4 among many other items
Interesting id been recently looking into getting this series I bought something from it already (not sure what though) lately ive been trying to get some olders shows movies I might’ve missed back in the day that interest me (like gunbusters) I was spurred on by baccano and other shows going out of print and seeing…
Starred for still getting the charmander its just like they say theres no char in actually im not sure where I was going with that (I wanted to say charizard who ive always had a soft spot for but that has char in it)
Giving up your belongings meekly is no guarantee that the perpetrators will leave alone maybe they think to themselves it was so easy and get emboldened and go for more stuff perhaps one of those express kidnappings I hear are popular in rio forcing you to withdraw money at gunpoint or maybe they decide witnesses…
The workaround on the name reminds me of a time I wrote something for class and had to read it aloud where I used the word sheet in place of the s-word think I used other words too but cant remember
They do realize by naming It that it just became about 1000% more susceptible to icebergs collisions
Whats up with Kid Icarus hes in smash he had a 3ds game I want more now also another punch out and golden sun while were at it ah well the other 2 at least then also the people disappointed with this are so because itsnot metroid and thats what its being judged on rather than a game taking place in the metroid…
Fair enough I wasnt paying attention during those portions and if it truly bothers you might I suggest giving me an example proper way of using punctuation in my post ive gotten crap before for not using any and trying to use it now only to be told no thats wrong also I cant be bothered to learn it so tips would help…
Eh cant really be bothered, to use proper (punctuation); im not being graded on my essay writing skills-might you be a teacher by chance? And I know ZZ is immediately after Zeta (currently watching it right now) Zeta still ends abrupt as hell which to be fair the 1st show kinda did as well perphaps its gundam tradition
It was the most monumental of tasks just to load this page but I stuck with it because I had to star kamille the ending of zeta felt very abrupt to me also didn’t really feel like anybody really won although im pretty sure that one faction definitely lost rightstuf has been distributing all the gundam shows…
Was gonna mention this one I actually knew quite a few secrets for the original donkey kong country and it wasnt even our game it was our cousins im wondering though who figured these out especially the mine cart one think one of us might’ve just missed a jump and lucked into it the thing that always frustrated me…
Just wanted to say you godforsaken gummi monsters less than half an hour are there people just waiting around for these gummis to go on sale or maybe more likely its a subscribe and save item so I wonder if those previously subscribed take some of the allocation of the gummis at this price oh well no gummi civil war…
Just wanted to say you godforsaken gummi monsters less than half an hour are there people just waiting around for…
Shes right you know anime is real its not anime
Yeah but what if the guy panicked as one of the kids got out to explain the situation and shot them yknow kinda like other instances where people with guns overreacted to a perceived threat maybe he should have just stayed in his house and called the cops to report suspected trespassers/thieves instead of going out…