
Im hoping this conversation will generate interest in and help raise funds for my upcoming rock opera in which AC/DC travel back in time to solve the Jack the Ripper murders.

More recently she lived through the Civil Rights movement and anti-Vietnam War movement, and should appreciate the power of disciplined, nonviolent protest. No excuses.

Free pass for narrowmindedness? I don’t think so.

When I hear “Political Beliefs” I think, you know, about disagreements about marginal tax rates or foreign policy. Not so much, you know, “should gay people have equal rights?”.

Living through WWII is no excuse to for blatant racism

What I would do is strongly take issue with the point of view that they are expressing when they do that.

I’m not really seeing the issue here. I mean with the family history show it called into question the shows validity and they likely should have told him either he cooperates or they run it without his input. But I mean if you have issue with his requirements don’t agree to interview based on them.

As a non-American who wasn’t alive during the JFK era I gotta say I keep seeing shit about that family and I just want to scream at the US - GET OVER IT! Seriously - JRK was assassinated over 50 years ago now. Can we give it a rest and make movies about something else?

Oh for fuck’s sake, do you clowns just not remember the PUMA movement or are you hoping nobody else does? Sanders supporters closed ranks a hell of a lot faster than Clinton ones did for Obama. Wealthy high-profile Sanders superdelegates weren’t openly endorsing Trump and running campaign ads for him the way shitbirds

holding their vote from Clinton?

Good to see Clinton supporters tearing down a 70 year old successful woman for using a tactic they themselves used in 08. Stay classy party politics