Alert me when YouPorn goes 3D.
Alert me when YouPorn goes 3D.
A dead leprechaun surfacing would be pretty funny.
Instead of electrical tape use velcro!
Astute observation. I'm sure the Harvard grads will be calling you for your approval.
white guilt ftw
The average farmer might not accept this, but i'm guessing 'big poultry' has already looked into these types of systems.
Stop pandaring to the crowd.
This pilot couldn't stay on target.
I - Interphase
I'm pretty sure a simple home server could automate a lot of that.
I agree.
The sad part is it still makes sense.
George Lucas has been complaining about his Star Wars fanbase and on how he won't make anything new because of it.
Cheetahs are the biggest cats that can purr I believe.
One could have said the same thing about cell phones a decade ago.
Yes, but it'll die after.
Seriously, has anyone thought alienware PCs were aesthetically pleasing?
I work for an airline and have personally handed pilots their ipads.