Notice all the weird little inconsistencies in his grammar?
Notice all the weird little inconsistencies in his grammar?
But the Space Pope landed in the middle of the Black Sea and used his Jeezuz Lazers to blast the Cacodemons out of the Ukrainian troops. Said troops then crossed the line and invited the little green men to have some ice cream.
and nukes put us in proxy wars with Russia... you give Obama and HRC way too much credit for the petty criminals you paint them as
whats the flavor of kool aid youre driking and do you use the water from the melted snowflakes???
Nice try Putin
Of course Putin moved on Crimea after the 2014 coup in Kiev to preserve the Russian naval base at Sevastopol, what I object to is your preposterous allegation that Obama ever for a second intended to seize Sevastopol and turn it into an American naval base. This is the sort of absurd rubbish that only the cretins who…
1- To be clear: You think Fox News is not “News”, too, right?
My pop has been back in the states for a couple years after spending many more years teaching in Ukraine and spending time up and down the Baltics. You cherrypick little facts out of context to substantiate your claims, which is a sign of weakness and desperation. You are full of it, comrade.
No. It was your good. You found a credible source. Feel free to peruse it at your leisure to learn more about a topic you seem uniquely interested in.
This is going to be fun.
I will call your source very credible, because it says:
Jack ass 0bama thought he could take over Ukraine and plant a Naval Base on the Crimean Peninsula.
“Open yours eyes sheeple, the truth is easy to find.”
I read. Regularly. Please go ahead and find me a reasonable source.
The Black Sea Fleet is already parked in Crimea...always was.
“We’re not Tesla experts.”
Do you have any proof to back up your winld statements? I fail to remember President Obama doing anything of that nature, but then Ukraine isn’t my forte.
Newsflash, this shit started long before Obama took office.
You had such an interesting point until you ruined it by cussing and coming off as unintelligent: 2/5
Fuck out here, There is no Civil War in Ukraine, Russian soldiers death toll proves that.
Tell me why other regions are not having problems? Mariupol, Odessa are other examples that you are full of shit.
Putin was working his plan to take all of the southern Ukraine and have complete control of Black sea since the…